THE online community newspaper for Nailsea people, their family and their friends
There is a new abridged What's On 2020 HERE postponed events have been archived
December 2020
January homes for sale by Property Peeps page sponsors Hunters Estate Agents and Letting Agents in the High Street HERE. Plus news that district council has decided to go it alone with a Local Plan is also on this page
Christmas 2020
We have route map of the sparkly van and lots of online Christmas fairs and shops stocked with festive ware but no 'live' pantos this year. Read more HERE

Breaking News
Construction has begun on public viewing area, path, car park and bench improvements at Backwell Lake, Read more HERE at our Nailsea Auto Electrical sponsored page

Gallery 2020
A slideshow from all three Lockdowns can be found in our Gallery 2020 along with images from Nailsea and nearby throughout the year. This image is among our favourites by Ali Kuleli. Thank you Nailsea people for sharing photos. Click HERE to view more

LIGHTING OUR WAY: Nailsea High Street has Christmas lights. The town centre has featured in a number of stories of late – the temporary closure with its social distancing measures – whether to hold a street market or not to the news that there would be no decorations adorning the road for December 2020. The latter announcement nearly caused the sky to fall down with an outcry on Nailsea People Facebook page that could be heard in Santa’s winter wonderland. Even The Sun newspaper reported the sorry saga - not completely accurately we would hasted to add. Anyway, good sense prevailed, and Nailsea Town Council employed a contractor and dug the decorations out of storage and hallelujah we have light. We commend the number of people who came forward to help this happen and we are promised that for 2021 there will be an even bigger and better display…you can view a storybook slideshow of the lights going up in our Gallery 2020 HERE. The fantastic front page photo taken by workman Adam Murphy, of Select Electrics Ltd, up on high on his cherrypicker while installing the decorations