Our town is a very nice town
THE online community newspaper for Nailsea people, their family and their friends
February 2022
January homes for sale by Property Peeps page sponsors Hunters Estate Agents and Letting Agents in the High Street HERE. Plus news that district council has decided to go it alone with a Local Plan is also on this page
Property Peeps
Our Property Peeps page sponsors HENSONS estate agents sold two featured homes within days of Nailsea People posting details online. It has more than 80 networked offices in the south west and London, the Nailsea office is at Ivy Court, 61 High Street. Read more HERE about planning applications approved and in the pipeline as Nailsea moves towards welcoming hundreds of new home owners at Engine Lane and The Uplands. Taylor Wimpey has started building at Youngwood Lane and Barratts at Parish Brook, price release promised this month

This is the page for the food markets (not in February), festivals, fairs, fetes and all the fun things in life. It includes a diary of events. To add yours send a message via Facebook/email

Ring O’Bells and
Grove Sports & Social Club
Sign-up for rainbow run HERE

What's On 2022
Gallery 2022
We have hundreds and hundreds of of images in our galleries and for 2022 we begin with the wassail, frosty mornings, sky at night and day plus lots more wildlife. Email your images to for inclusion. This image is the early morning sun on a frosty morning at Ashton Court

Nice Nailsea to expand...
Basically, we aren’t in a floodplain and we have a railway station and secondary school with capacity which has put Nailsea in the spotlight for further housing.
And planners see us all working from home with our high-speed internet or cycling to Bristol along the Festival Way.
Of the many sites identified for potential building in Nailsea and Backwell none has been discounted even if it has ‘drainage’ issues.
For instance, ‘site within or partly with a Groundwater Source Protection Zone’ or being in the Greenbelt with part of site having ‘Priority Habitat’ status are all still in the mix.
North Somerset Council has prepared a draft local plan which will be discussed at its executive committee on Wednesday, February 2.
Nailsea has no councillor on this committee and Backwell has Green Party ward councillor Bridget Petty.
Government tells us 20,000 homes must be built in North Somerset in the next 15 years, that is before 2038.
An interesting inclusion is this paragraph about a new road.
It says ‘in order to unlock growth at Nailsea, this will enable a road link crossing the railway linking to the Nailsea side of Station Road, improving access to Nailsea and access for buses and reducing congestion at Backwell crossroads. A potential road link to the west of Backwell is also being investigated. The transport improvements will require further investigation but will require contributions from all development sites in the area.’
Read more HERE which links to agenda papers for the executive.
Seven per cent of North Somerset is 215,000 (2019 estimate) population live in Nailsea.
With developers looking to build on Nailsea’s fringe a new site on the south of Nailsea is proposed for 600 dwellings.
This is adjacent to, and east of, the site won on appeal for 450 dwellings and will be located inside Youngwood Lane and include walking and cycling links to the station.
This would involve development on part of the land currently designated as the Strategic Gap.
To mitigate the impact of this and other proposals it is proposed to replace the existing Strategic Gap between Nailsea and Backwell with a new extension to the existing Green Belt to ensure its long-term protection.
North Somerset’s primary town is Weston-super-Mare accounting for just over 30 per cent of the population, followed by Portishead at 11 per cent and Clevedon 10 per cent.
In total, more than 60 per cent of North Somerset’s population live in its main towns, influencing the future transport provision and infrastructure.
And if you want a long-life North Somerset is the place to live/retire with 12 per cent of the population aged 75+ above the national norm of eight per cent.
Nailsea does not show up on the charts as an area of deprivation.
The most deprived areas are parts of Weston-super-Mare.
The least deprived areas are to the east of Portishead, and to the south west of Bristol, such as Long Ashton.
Most of the district falls outside of the top 60 per cent most deprived areas in England and Wales.
Most people living in Nailsea work in Bristol.
Nailsea / Backwell area snippets from the council papers:
These proposed growth areas are close to the main town of Nailsea and therefore a reasonable level of amenities, facilities and services. Nailsea and Backwell have good links to Bristol and the employment opportunities in the city, albeit relatively low employment density in the towns themselves.
The proposed growth areas, especially south of Nailsea are nearby to Nailsea and Backwell rail station. This station provides connections to both Weston-super-Mare and Bristol, and beyond, opening up greater opportunities to employment and other services.
The A370 is a good corridor for bus routes, already providing connections between Nailsea and Backwell, Bristol and Weston. Development in the area has the potential to improve bus services further, providing an additional travel option to rail and car, by connecting to the main towns as well as the villages off the A370.
The Nailsea and Backwell area benefits from access to one of the main strategic active travel routes in the district; the Festival Way. This largely traffic-free route directly links Nailsea and Bristol, via Flax Bourton and Long Ashton, opening up a safe and reliable walking and cycling route for leisure and utility purposes. Pedestrian infrastructure is present on majority of roads, albeit narrow and intermittent in places.
The percentages that cycle to work in this area, taken from the PCT 2011 Census dataset, is one of the highest in the district, potentially as a result of the Festival Way and relative proximity to Bristol. In the E-bikes scenario, commuter cycling levels have the potential to increase to 20% and in the Go Dutch scenario, there is the potential for cycling levels to increase to 30 per cent.
Broadband speeds in this area are good, with ultrafast speeds available in Nailsea and Backwell and could easily be extended to the growth areas adjacent to these urban centres.
Urban focused housing and employment development with growth concentrated at Weston-super-Mare and Nailsea, outside of the Green Belt.
Limited development in villages, except where growth would be at a proportionate scale, such as Yatton, Backwell.
Limited rural development, mostly in windfall sites

Tickenham Road Action Group say from an initial skim the key points show there will be a new allocation of 1,782 homes in Nailsea (651 with existing planning approval) and a further 600 homes at Backwell.
There is mention of a possible new link road from Nailsea to the A370 on the east side of Backwell amongst other mitigations - but no improvements that will directly impact Tickenham.
A TRAG spokesman said: "We are currently pulling our response together in preparation for the public consultation and will share this with you all in good time ahead of the consultation so we can benefit from your input.
"One key area we are looking at is road safety through Tickenham.
"We have records of a couple of incidents, but if you have any traffic incidents or issues to share with us we would be very grateful."
Email Tickenham Road Action Group
North Somerset Council draft Local Plan is can be read in full HERE.
Public consultation is due to commence in March this year.

Backwell House is closing permanently on Thursday, March 31. The lovingly restored Georgian once home to the Hobbs family first opened as an upmarket restaurant and hotel in July 2016 Full story HERE
A 23-year-old Nailsea man plead guilty at Bristol Magistrates' Court to driving while unfit through alcohol following the collision in Trendlewood Way, Nailsea, at just before midnight on Christmas Eve. Bristol Post full report on court case HERE
Additional goverment grant to solvent businesses from either the hospitality, leisure or accommodation sectors including pubs, hotels, restaurants, bars, cinemas or amusement parks are now available based on rateable value. North Somerset Council is managing the awards. Read more on our Business Peeps page HERE
Nailsea library is open for pre-school half hour reading sessions on Thursday mornings. Parents/carers must prebook due to limited space. Read more on our Young Peeps page HERE
Vacancies in Nailsea and nearby posted on our popular Job Peeps page HERE from pubs to school jobs and everything inbetween
Major changes to local stroke services with series of recommendations approved by NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire CCG. Read more on our Healthy Peeps page HERE
The occupants of this white van took property belonging to Nailsea man Mathew Addy. If you recognise the people please inform police. The second van belonging to a Nailsea electrician was taken from outside All Saints church, Long Ashton on Thursday, February 3. This distinctive black van with the words MAP sign written on the side is registration number WP68 XRX. And Nailsea NHW has reported several garage break-in with bikes either stolen or an attempt made to take them. See updates on Nailsea People FaceBook page

Council spending spree
Remember our front page story from August last year - well now Nailsea Town Council is asking people how to spend its multi-million pound windfall from developers.
Click August image to read full story and please have your say by completing a consultation survey here:
The deadline is Tuesday, March 1, 2022
Remember it has to be 'capital expenditure' so don't ask for the potholes to be filled on our roads - write to North Somerset Council instead.
In the past the town council has had a rule that able-bodied groups with the (wo)manpower and ability to help themselves would not be first in line to benefit so let's support something for all.
In the 50-odd years we have lived in Nailsea the village/town has asked/begged/campaigned for a swimming pool, the Grove Sports & Social Club could do with a rebuild, Toby's Fun Day is likely to fund an outdoor gym and £100,000+ for an all-weather 'pump track' for BMX riders, mountain bike riders, skateboards and scooters has been thrown into the mix - and another what a pavilion specifically for women footballers.
What do you think?
Personally, to compliment the heritage trail, we would love a museum - somewhere other than the Somerset museum at Taunton to display our rich rural history?
And does the town council need a bigger base as the population expands and should Nailsea Community Group get a home of its own?
Just some ideas for you to mull over.

On sale at Simply Green
computer techies for the online community
The TEK Hut was started by Ben Parker in the summer of 2018.
For 12 years Ben had been one of the team at The ICT Workshop which provided a wide variety of computer services to Nailsea, Clevedon, Yatton, Backwell and even Weston-Super-Mare.
Ben felt it right to continue the same great service customers had previously experienced but under new branding for a new business and The Tek Hut was born.
Trading at the familiar location in Nailsea, The Tek Hut will continue to offer the same cost effective, new laptops and PCs, upgrades, onsite support for homes and businesses through to a wide range of workshop services and accessories.

Window Cleaning
Get spruced up for 2021 with this Nailsea-based company boasting best prices
Quotes for fascia, gutters and drainpipe cleaning no obligation
Call 0759 532 3274


Starting School: Everything you need for that first special day
Schoolwear: Uniforms, Accessories and Name Tapes
Sportswear: PE Kits, Gumshields, Shin Pads and Velcro Daps
Dancewear: RAD Approved for Ballet, Tap, Modern and Jazz
Activitywear: Uniforms for Rainbows, Brownies and Guides
School Togs
Clevedon Walk, Nailsea, BS48 1RS
01275 857491
Nailsea bed and breakfast

A home from home at Highdale the family-owned bed and breakfast at Nailsea. The B&B at 82 Silver Street is run by Tony and Tina Davey. Call 01275 858004, email, or go online by clicking HERE for more details