THE online community newspaper for Nailsea people, their family and their friends
April 2024
Our town is a very, very nice town
Property people

Building continues apace. The Trendlewood Way construction site on Miss Shepstone's field renamed Bucklands Place show some homes very close together. Whether permission is granted to build two homes on the small triangle next door with protected tree rests with North Somerset Council. Read more on our Property Peeps page HERE

What's On 2024
Classic concerts, folk nights and the beer and bike festivals all feature on our What's On page which includes pub quizzes and bingo evenings plus lots of fundraising dates, AND most importantly the carnival news. Read more HERE

Gallery 2024
Photos for 2024 have been split between Jan to March + April to June in lots of slideshows. We have more than a decade of images in our galleries featuring markets, festivals, Backwell lake, country walks, carnival day and Nailsea people. Rachel took this atmospheric black and white image of field near Chelvey

Enough was enough and after several years fighting, a number of large trees causing subsidence to a Nailsea householder’s property have been removed.
North Somerset Council placed a blanket preservation order on all trees growing on open land between Bibury Close and Birdlip Close after the land was sold in 2022 and this included the trees causing problems to the householders property, even though it had already been proven that they were the ‘root’ cause of the issues.
Planning permission was eventually granted by North Somerset Council after a long battle and the trees removed.
Nailsea Town Council is continuing to fight to get 'town green' status for the space, which has been subject to three changes of ownership since 2022, with the current owner believed to be a speculator.
This is so it can can continue to be part of Trendlewood Park - see more on our Green Peeps page HERE.
A town council spokesman said: "We are still currently chasing North Somerset Council for an update in relation to the town green application.
“I’m afraid that there is no further information that we can provide on this, as a result.”
Below is how Nailsea People reported the story in February 2023.

Towering trees finally removed

When the new housing developments began two years ago in Nailsea the price of a 2-bed home in the town was approximately £200-250,000.
Wimpey Taylor lowest priced 2-bed house came in at £300,000+ which pushed up all the house prices in Nailsea.
This we were told on our tour of Nailsea housing developments early in April is a direct benefit of having new building is it increases the value of all the houses in the area.
Maybe for those who already own a house it could be a good thing but surely not for first-time buyers?
However, contrary to expectations lots of local people, including first time buyers and downsizers are among the new residents at Netherton Grange and Engine Lane.
Of the 127 homes at Netherton Grange 80 per cent are sold.
With its pitched roofs and use of a variety of materials on a sloping site towards open countryside you must admit this is an attractive development, pictured top.
Down the road at Barratts building site called Parish Brook the layout is more barrack-like and there is a backdrop of pylons, but such was the success of a meet-and-greet carol service last December it has a reputation as a very friendly neighbourhood.
The carol service was instigated by Holy Trinity church who have also facilitated the children's play area at Netherton Grange, pictured below.
Already 70 per cent of the 171 are sold or rented via a housing association and the expectation is all will be sold by November and all construction workers will be off the site by March 2025.
Prospective buyers on these two major sites have asked if the roads into Nailsea will be improved and if the bus is likely to run on the estates as per outline plans - who knows?
But it is the tightly packed 17 3and 4-bed homes off Trendlewood Way called Bucklands Place currently under construction and with miniscule gardens being marketed for £400,000-£965,000 which has Nailsea aghast.
That and wondering whether North Somerset Council planners will let two homes be built on the small grass verge next door with a protected tree in the middle of the triangle of land.
North Somerset Local Plan is in its final stages - no more consultations - and later this year it become set in stone as the final blueprint on where development can and cannot take place, while 'guiding investment for new housing, jobs, transport and community facilities' during the next 15 years.
Nearly 500 responses were recorded from town and parish councillors and residents.
North Somerset Council will be reviewing all of the representations made and then submitting them along with the Local Plan and supporting documents to the Government to be scrutinised by an independent inspector.
The inspector will decide if the Local Plan complies with the necessary requirements for it to be adopted and used in decision making.
In its draft form Nailsea has been earmarked for thousands of new homes BUT no new roads just a roundabout going nowhere at the end of Station Road before the railway bridge.
To learn more of what is happening a good starting point is the annual meeting of Nailsea Action Group (NAG) at the Grove Sports Centre and Social Club on Wednesday, April 17, at 7:30pm.
A NAG spokesperson said: "The meeting’s theme will be how to defend our public open green spaces."
More property stories on our Hensons sponsored page HERE.

RED BRICKS: The three images above and the playground below are from Netherton Grange while the very bottom images are from Bucklands Place and the small triangle adjoining which is in different ownership and subject to a planning application. The application for double yellow lines is close to junction with Engine Lane and due to lots of on-road parking by site visitors. We didn't get to The Uplands site - more later. Yellow double lines picture is from Google maps
A HOME OF HER OWN: Nailsea People has a special feature about Bella Mildon on this VIP Peeps page HERE, it is about how loving friends of a Nailsea family have launched an urgent crowdfunding appeal in the hope of securing a permanent home for an autistic, blind teen to safeguard her future. Close friend Sharon Colley tells Bella’s story. She said: “We all take it for granted to have a roof over our heads, but what if you were a 15-year-old disabled, autistic child who during a seizure a few years ago lost their sight and now faces losing her home too?” There is a link to the gofundme site to donate. The goal is £75,000 which is a big ask but every little bit helps...

Urbanisation projects!

WRONG ADDRESS: This is where North Somerset Council's pre-booked 'consultation' event about three weekly bin collections and carparking charges is advertised as taking place. See how we reported it on Facebook which was updated to include the venue as 124a High Street! This is not the long gone Sion Computers but opticians Lynne Fernandes. Obviously the council should have gone to Specsavers. We have alerted the High Street retailer and are waiting to hear from NSC the correct address for the consultation venue.
To book a slot go to
A petition against car parking charges is here: Petition · Halt the Introduction of Parking Charges by North Somerset Council - Nailsea, United Kingdom ·
See more on our Breaking News page
BUCKLANDS PLACE: The Acorn Property Group show house opens on Saturday, April 13. There will be 17 houses on the open market, two shared ownership and five affordable rental homes. Prices start at £400k - interested? Call 0117 244 9499
VENUE UPDATE: Please note the 1-2-1 pre-booked afternoon and evening consultation slots with North Somerset Council councillors/officers will now be at Mizzymead Recreation club and not 124A High Street!
computer techies for the online community
The TEK Hut was started by Ben Parker in the summer of 2018.
For 12 years Ben had been one of the team at The ICT Workshop which provided a wide variety of computer services to Nailsea, Clevedon, Yatton, Backwell and even Weston-Super-Mare.
Ben felt it right to continue the same great service customers had previously experienced but under new branding for a new business and The Tek Hut was born.
Trading at the familiar location in Nailsea, The Tek Hut will continue to offer the same cost effective, new laptops and PCs, upgrades, onsite support for homes and businesses through to a wide range of workshop services and accessories.

Window Cleaning
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