Our town is a very nice town
the online community newspaper for Nailsea people, their family and their friends
January 2020
January homes for sale by Property Peeps page sponsors Hunters Estate Agents and Letting Agents in the High Street HERE. Plus news that district council has decided to go it alone with a Local Plan is also on this page

New Year 2020
What's On in Nailsea and nearby for 2020 includes a forward diary for planners but the best January event is the Wassailing at The Old Farmhouse - a real traditional family night out - read more HERE

New slideshows added include past, present and random Christmas photos plus the festive street market HERE, new Gallery 2020 page HERE with dates of future Backwell Camera Club meetings

New brooms sweep clean

North Somerset Council will also be deciding on whether to introduce car-parking fees in Nailsea, charging for garden waste collection, sorting out the way forward for a planning blueprint and maybe not at this meeting consider permanent closure of Nailsea High Street after the success of the eat:Nailsea and Christmas farmer’s market forays into the our main town centre thoroughfare.
Nailsea Action Group 2020 annual meeting is on Thursday, January 23, 7.30pm at the Grove Junior School, Whiteoak Way. NAG was established at the end of 2015 originally to promote and protect Nailsea’s rural setting. But since its formation with no JSP or Local Plan in place Scottish company Mactaggart & Mickel have secured planning permission to build 450 homes to the north of Youngwood a ‘garden city’.
We are going to get more houses but who knows when or where?
North Somerset Council is expected to ratify this month the decision to go-it-alone and dump the Joint Spatial Plan in favour of a Local Plan.
The JSP was thrown out this summer by the Planning Inspectorate for its failure to stick to strict criteria regarding transport and jobs.
We still must build 105,000 new homes across the West of England by 2036 but will probably not be working with Bristol, South Gloucestershire plus Bath and North East Somerset councils.
This is a strategy that has the feeling of every man for himself.
But with a newly elected council who inherited the much-criticised JSP submission from a previous administration it seems new brooms sweep clean.
In the meantime, before something is in place North Somerset could be rich pickings for property developers.
It almost feels like Brexit going around the houses…
Nailsea West End ward councillor James Tonkin, who is North Somerset Council executive member with responsibility for planning, said: “Let it be clear, it’s not the council’s intention simply to dust off the proposals of the failed JSP and represent them in a new form.
“The Local Plan is a key document which will eventually become an overarching planning policy that guides development across our area.
“It’s vitally important that we get it right and we’ll be inviting residents and other partners in the New Year to get involved in the creation of the document.”
Read full story on the Property Peeps page by clicking HERE.
National Grid start
digging in Nailsea

The mystery of the NG yellow signs appearing around Nailsea is solved.
National Grid starts work to install the underground cables between Nailsea and Portishead substations this month.
And in 18 months time they could start taking down the pylons closest to our homes.
The road signs are to direct construction site traffic through the town.
The cables are part of National Grid’s Hinkley Connection Project which, once complete, will connect new sources of low carbon energy, such as Hinkley Point C, to homes and businesses.
National Grid’s contractors on the underground cable, J Murphy & Sons Ltd, will start work at various locations building temporary entrances and access roads, developing access routes, and installing secure fencing around the whole of the construction area.
Diversions and traffic lights
The first stage of work begins on Tuesday, January 7, with building temporary road entrances to our construction areas from Engine Lane and Hanham Way/Watery Lane in the west end of Nailsea.
This work requires the use of temporary traffic lights on Engine Lane and Hanham Way, with diverted pedestrian access towards the lower end of Hanham Way and Watery Lane.
When the access roads are complete and the construction area is fenced and secure, work will begin on excavating trenches to construct ducts and joint bays for the cables and installation and connection of the cables.
The nature of the trenching and cable laying process means that residents will in some areas see intense periods of activity, along with quieter phases, but access will remain controlled throughout the construction period.
National Grid expects to complete the work by autumn 2021.
Once the cables are in place and operational, the next step is to start to take down existing pylons and prepare to build new T-Pylons to the west of Nailsea.
This work will be undertaken by Balfour Beatty.
Details of the T-Pylon construction programme are being finalised and will be available soon.

TIMBER: If you’re signed up to North Somerset Council garden waste service you can put your real Christmas tree - minus decorations and pot, and up to two metres high - out for collection on your usual garden waste collection day, between Monday to Friday, January 20-31.. Christmas trees can also be taken to Backwell recycling centres. Check your garden waste calendar online to make sure you put the right bins out on the right day by clicking HERE.

Nailsea people at play on The Perrings
photos needed to protect open space
An open green space which acts as a buffer between Nailsea and Backwell could be registered as a 'town green'.
Nailsea Town Council wants to protect the area off the The Perrings against future development.
Currently it is a recreational space popular with ramblers, dog-walkers and in winter the premier place to go tobogganing.
The town council is to seek Town Green status for the unfenced field to the immediate south of the housing estate built half a century ago on what was farming land.
The land has been an informal public open space for decades and even features play equipment installed by North Somerset Council.
Steps are being taken to register it under the Commons Act 2006 section 15 England as a Town Green, which will protect it against future development.
Town Greens receive a considerable amount of statutory protection under law, but in the main it becomes a criminal offence to undertake any act which interrupts the use or enjoyment of a green as a place of exercise and recreation.
The land will remain in the ownership of its current owners which are believed to be developers.
But to achieve its goal the town council needs to be able to prove the land has been in use by the community (young and old alike) during a 20-year period and during that time it has been used for lawful sports and pastimes, for example; children playing, dog walking, picking blackberries, playing football and picnicking.
Town clerk Jo Duffy said: “We are inviting residents to complete a questionnaire which can be download HERE or hard copies can be picked up from the Tithe Barn, Church Lane or No.65 High Street, Nailsea.
“We also welcome written statements and photographs of the land in use with completed evidence forms”.
All completed evidence forms should be returned by Friday, February 7.
Once the Town Council has gathered the completed evidence forms they will be submitted to North Somerset Council as the registration authority.
North Somerset Council will consider the application and then make the decision on whether it is acceptable. If it is accepted the land will be registered as a Town Green.

Tuesday, January 21, quiz night and Thursday, January 30, meet the Bristol Beer Factory brewers at Nailsea MicroPub

All delivered free (orders over £125)
Dreaming of a 'white' New Year?
As well as a host of household fittings, fixtures and furniture the store offers competitively priced leading makes of fridges, freezers and cookers and much, much more
Read more on the Nailsea People shopping page here

Pop into Home Additions
High Street, Nailsea
now stocking white electrical goods to complete your household wishlist
is powered by
The TEK Hut
The TEK Hut was started by Ben Parker in the summer of 2018.
For 12 years Ben had been one of the team at The ICT Workshop which provided a wide variety of computer services to Nailsea, Clevedon, Yatton, Backwell and even Weston-Super-Mare.
Ben felt it right to continue the same great service customers had previously experienced but under new branding for a new business and The Tek Hut was born.
Trading at the familiar location in Nailsea, The Tek Hut will continue to offer the same cost effective, new laptops and PCs, upgrades, onsite support for homes and businesses through to a wide range of workshop services and accessories.

Del's Window Cleaning Service
Get spruced up for 2020 with this Nailsea-based company boasting best prices
Quotes for fascia, gutters and drainpipe cleaning no obligation
Call 0759 532 3274

Schoolwear: Uniforms, Accessories, and Name Tapes
Footwear: School Shoes
Sportswear: PE Kits, Gumshields, Shin Pads, and Velcro Daps
Dancewear: RAD Approved for Ballet, Tap, Modern, and Jazz
Activitywear: Uniforms and accessories for Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
Nailsea School 2020 calendar
Orchard Toys: Educational Games, Teacher Approved
School Togs
Clevedon Walk, Nailsea, BS48 1RS
01275 857491

Nailsea bed and breakfast

A home from home at Highdale the family-owned bed and breakfast at Nailsea. The B&B at 82 Silver Street is run by Tony and Tina Davey. Call 01275 858004, email, or go online by clicking HERE for more details