Gallery 2023
September to December
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Lest we forget in Nailsea
November 2023
WE REMEMBER: Holy Trinity Church rector James Packman led the ceremony at the war memorial with a moving speech about the need for peace and restraint in today’s world. Poppy wreaths were laid by Nailsea Air Cadets. Nailsea Army Cadets, 1st and 2nd Nailsea Scouts, Nailsea Guides, Avon Fire Service, Nailsea Police, Nailsea Town Council chairman Mike Bird and Chris Broughton on behalf the Nailsea & Backwell Rotary. The Nailsea parade was much larger than those previous, with members of the Army and Navy cadets, Scouts, Beavers, Guides and Brownies with the Scouts Brass Band leading the march. The procession started at 2nd Nailsea @Scout HQ at Hannah More Road at 10.15am and finished at the Holy Trinity Church on Church Lane, for wreath-laying. The young people arrived earlier than expected and stood patiently in the pouring rain. Nailsea Town Council clerk Jo Duffy said: "This parade was much larger than previous years and we were so please with the turn out. I would like to say on behalf of Nailsea Town Council a big thank you to all the volunteers and council staff who helped and made this such a successful and emotional parade despite the rain." We have added to our slideshow some photos from St Andrew's church war memorial taken by Backwell WI. UPDATE: Nailsea Poppy Appeal with Stephen Rown raised a magnificent £18,215.68. Stephen thanks all who contributed - £7k more than last year!
Nailsea people put on their tap dancing shoes at the weekend for Tapathon the 2023 World Record breaking attempt.
On Sunday, November 21, dancers nationwide tried to break the Guinness World Record for the largest tap-dancing event and raise money for the BBC Children in Need.
Held simultaneously at multiple events the record currently stands at 7,596 people tap dancing at the same time.
Dancing to the song Wake Me Up Before You Go Go by Wham, the organisers and creators of Tapathon, The Performers Project, with the support of BBC Children in Need, choreographed the tap dance routine to one of the UK’s biggest selling singles and they hope they have broken the world record with more than 10,000 tappers of all ages dancing the routine.
Nailsea dance teacher Michelle Bedford said: “We don't know if we have broken the world record but we have smashed our own record with 60 dancers ranging from aged five to more than 60 years.”
Donations from pyjama week in class and the cake sale plus the generosity of 2nd Nailsea Scout HQ they raised incredible £287.50 or Children in Need.
The UK's official annual Tapathon calls calling on all trained and untrained dancers of all ages and fitness levels, to be a part of the official nationwide event.
Michelle told her dancers from the Michelle Bedford Dance Studio: “You all looked amazing and danced so well from the youngest which was five-year-old Sophie to the oldest dancer.
“And well done to our virtual dancers and thank you so much to our faithful team of helpers.”
Special thanks go to Miss Immy, Miss Izzy, Miss Grace and Miss Maddison for leading the children and Nick Osmond for videoing the dancers.
In 2023 nationwide 7,384 tap dancers took part missing the 7,596 world record by a mere 212 but more than £35,000 was raised for Children in Need not counting the extra from cake sales and dance schools so WOW!
The next attempt will be on Sunday, November 17 2024 Tapathon.
Tapathon world record attempt
November 2023

MUSIC MAKERS: There are many music festivals, or Eisteddfods, in the area, but none in Nailsea or nearby. In 2005 a group of four Nailsea residents decided to start such an event, to see if there was sufficient support for this to be run on an annual basis. The first Nailsea Festival of Music was in November 2006, mainly at the Methodist Church, but with some classes also held in Christ Church. Since then, the festival has moved to Nailsea School, and there has been a steady increase in entries. It offers classes in singing, piano, speech and drama creative writing and music composition. Despite having to cancel the 2020 festival and running a virtual event in 2021, it was back in its usual format in 2022 and for November 2023 boasted lots of interest and entries. Pictured in our slideshow is patron North Somerset MP Liam Fox, the NFM team and successful contestants from the Sarah Davies School of Music
Wintry December weather
Christmas Cruz in Nailsea
CHRISTMAS CRUZ: Every December VW owners decorate their vehicles with thousands of lights to spread festive cheer and to raise money for the Grand Appeal in support of Bristol Children's Hospital. On Wednesday, December 13 the VWs were out and about in Nailsea trying to cover as many streets as possible. They toured the Engine Lane, The Perrings, Southfield Road and Trendlewood areas and with Santa Claus onboard they stopped to greet young (and not-so-old) admirers including 1st Nailsea Scouts and residents at Argentum Lodge. These photos have been shared by numerous people including Phil Williams and tour sponsors Little Dinky Cars - thanks everyone. The vehicles sometimes 150-strong rally also visited neighbouring towns and villages and parts of Bristol using modern technology to raise funds. Total monies Christmas Dubs raised 2024 added to final photo
Nailsea International Bike Show
Sunday, September 3
Emergency Services Open Day
Saturday and Sunday, September 16-17
ONCE IN A BLUE MOON: Sky gazers around the world have been treated to a blue super moon, which made a spectacular appearance for the first time since 2009. Looking heavenly painter decorator Hayley Gould, of Nailsea, captured these images. A blue moon occurs when the pattern of days in a year means there are 13 full Moons instead of the usual 12. This blue Moon is also a super moon - when the Earth's only natural satellite appears brighter than usual because it is at its closest point in its orbit around our planet. But despite its name, the lunar phenomenon has nothing to do with colour - it gets its name because it does not fall in the usual scheme of named moons. The lunar spectacle is visible either on Wednesday or Thursday, August 30-31 in different parts of the world. The next blue moon is on Monday, August 19, 2024, at 2.26pm

Moon taken by Phil Williams in early September from his Nailsea garden, thanks for sharing with us, xx
Have you ever heard someone claim that the Moon is made of cheese?
It probably seemed like a funny notion.
If you've seen the Moon in different colors, though, you might start to believe there's some truth to this whole "made of cheese" thing.
For example, sometimes the our moon appears white, while at other times it's more yellow or even orange.
If it was made of cheese, you could explain these different colors by types of cheese: mozzarella for white, American for yellow, and cheddar for orange!
Moon at night (sometimes at day)
Sara Card's Macmillan tea party
Saturday, September 16

Nailsea Farmer's Market
Saturday, September 9

PRIZE PRESENTATION: And the winners were 'bike of the show.' Roger Baylis's beautifully pre-WW2 AJS. 'Spirit of the show' went to Max Leas' beautiful unrestored Mobylette and 'best custom' was John Colley's Katana replica Suzuki GSX1400. Show preview by Nailsea People republished below
Photos: Mike West, of Backwell Camera Club, took the photos above and the artistic shots
below at also from part of the community photoshoot session by other Backwell Camera Club members,
with best band photos by Ann Belcher

For nine years a big-hearted Nailsea woman has raised money for Macmillan cancer support by hosting not just a coffee morning but a grand tea party.
During this time Sara Card has raised more than £16,000 for the charity and in 2023 hopes to add lots more to that amount.
So. on a sunny September afternoon at Earlesfield she threw open her home and garden for yet another super fundraising event.
Sara baked most of the cakes and husband Andy and friends helped serve teas (and Prosecco) and sold raffle tickets.
Sara said: “Another absolutely amazing day supporting this wonderful charity and raising vital funds.
“Final fund numbers released in the next few days but around £2,400 to date!
“Thank you so much to everyone who supported whether it be money, time or both, I can’t do it with all of you, thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
The raffle was supported by @thegym, Wetherspoons, SP Hair Company, MiMi's Hair, The Beauty Loft, Tesco and other generous donations.
Sara said: "We raised £3,100 for this amazing charity and still some pennies coming in .
"Once again this year they have supported some of those extremely close to me .
"I couldn’t do it without you and special thanks to the businesses who once again have supported me this year.
"Last but by no means the least a very special ‘thank you ‘ to a very dear friend's mum Adena who recently left this world and asked for no flowers at her funeral but for all the money to go to my Macmillan coffee morning fundraising.
"I have such fond memories of this truly wonderful lady and I am absolutely touched by her gesture, thank you from the bottom of my heart
To donate click HERE.
Right now, more than three million people are living with cancer in the UK.
By 2030 this figure will rise to four million pounds.
UPDATE: Final amount totalled an amazing £3,231.00
Macmillan is here to help everyone with cancer live life as fully as they can, by providing physical, financial and emotional support.
It will do whatever it takes, no matter what a person's needs are, we will listen and support them however they need us to — big or small.
Argentum Lodge held a successful coffee morning at Silver Street
Nailsea MicroPub 4th birthday party
Saturday, September 29
CHEERS M'DEARS: Double celebrations this week at Nailsea MicroPub as Mark and Carolyn celebrate the taproom's fourth birthday and making the Camra Good Beer Guide 2024 for the fourth year in succession (more details on our Food and Drink page HERE). The only establishment in Nailsea to get a mention. On Friday evening as well as good beer and fine wine, donuts and Jim's pizza were served. There was a guest appearance from Pav Kubinski, of the award-winning Fine Tuned Brewery based in Somerton too. Nailsea’s first Micropub opened in September 2019 - we have a VIP feature from that time published HERE. Serving ales straight from the cask, plus real ciders and even lager. The beer offering is from around the country but usually from local breweries. Bottled and cans of beers and ciders, gins, wines, alcohol-free and soft drinks as well reasonably priced bar snacks are also sold. Early doors is on market days when it opens at 10am.

Backwell Camera Club community photoshoot
October 2023
Backwell Camera Club has a large and talented membership who when out and about captured some beautiful and atmospheric images at the Somerset International Festival of the Arts..
Past photoshoots have included the Nailsea community Christmas fair and Nailsea International Bike Show with Somerset Internationl Festival of Arts as its latest local booking.
Sandra Stafford handles the BCC Instagram account.
She said: "Over the course of an entire weekend in early October 2023, St Andrews Church in Backwell provided the backdrop to a series of concerts as part of the Somerset International Festival of the Arts (@somersetfestivalarts).
"Founded by violinists Simon and Liv-Marie Kodurand, and with many players from the Bristol Ensemble chamber orchestra, the festival programme covered Argentine tango, plus music from the silver screen and Vivaldi.
"Backwell Camera Club members were there to document the proceedings photographically as part of their remit to take community-based publicity materials.
"This selection can be found on @backwellcameraclub Instagram feed, where all the individual photographers are credited.
"Please hop across and follow their IG feed for more of their work."
Next week, they'll be photographing at the Backwell Playhouse.
Thank you for the additional photographs by Martin Powell, of Empica Public Relations, and Andre Pattenden, whose images were shared by North Somerset MP Liam Fox who attended the fabulous event.

Despite the rain the street farmers' market, shops and cafes were full of customers on Saturday morning, October 21.
It is half term school holidays for Nailsea.
Throughout the year stalls trade on the third Saturday of each month with a variety of food, drink and craft stalls except in January and February.
In addition to the varied stalls every month there are at least two invited community groups, street musicians and at No 65 High Street a Q&A information desk manned by Nailsea town councillors from 10am-noon.
For October is was the Grey Dogs Jazz Band, Nailsea Walking Football Club, theatre groups and Nailsea in Bloom telling people all about the poppy appeal flower beds.
More than 40 stalls were booked but unfortunately Somerset Orchard Garden suffered considerable storm damage to their beautiful blooms so will be dipping out of the market until next spring.
Nailsea MicroPub had its usual early doors for those wanting good cheer out of the rain and undercover at Waitrose was Nailsea and Backwell Rotary book stall.
The next market day is Saturday, November 18, 9am-1pm.
More information here

Coming next to Nailsea
Nailsea's farmers' market October 2023

Apple Day at Ring O'Bells
Nailsea Cider hosted the free afternoon at the Ring O'Bells on Saturday, October 21, with Children's Hospice South West.
Along with the 'have a go' apple pressing, live folk music and dancing there was lots of family fun despite the wet weather.
The aptly named The Happy Band were among the performers.
CHSW volunteers manned a refreshment stall inside the function room and sold toffee apples and cakes.
A spokesman said: "We love coming along to Apple Day which always makes a lot of money for the children's hospice charity and we are so grateful for the support."
There was an accomplished demonstration of acapella step dancing, Irish jigs and fabulous folk music.
Nailsea Cider is a small group of friends that got together to rekindle Nailsea’s cidermaking past and this is an annual event at the pub to press windfall crops.
The cidermakers harvest a couple of small orchards and gardens trees in and around Nailsea where the apples would otherwise fall and rot.
And they have a monthly stall at the farmers' market.
Apple Day was the last working shift for Ring O'Bells landlord Ryan Morris.
This week new couple Ian and Nathan from Southampton take over while Ryan moves on to Cross Rifles in Bridgwater.
Manchester United football fan Ryan said: "I have enjoyed my time in Nailsea but the Ringers definitely needs a two-man management team and I was hardly getting a break because the pub has been so busy.
"All band bookings and other events in the diary will be honoured by the new people taking over."
We wish Ryan good cheer and look forward to saying hello to the newcomers.
Big thanks to Julie Miners for the Morris images and videos.

Probably the biggest and best Eat:Festival was in Nailsea on Saturday, October 28, and a very welcome streetscene for shoppers.
The award-winning food and drink street fest returned to Nailsea after almost a year’s absence.
It should have been in Clevedon but its loss was our gain as nearly 100 stalls lined the town centre from Crown Glass Place to the Link Road with crowds of people everywhere.
Luckily the rain held off until later in the afternoon as the open air stalls began trading from 10am.
Nailsea MicroPub had early doors, Army cadets and Nailsea in Bloom volunteers were selling poppies and the panto people were promoting their next production.
Nailsea has hosted many Eat:Festivals since 2019 but they ended abruptly in December 2022 after issues with space, road closures and 'red tape'.
With many Eat:Festivals all over the West Country Nailsea people were naturally miffed to lose out especially to other communities in North Somerset.
In 2023 there were 28 festivals planned in 19 host towns and cities
Clevedon, Portishead and Weston had all secured at least one date.
However, described as 'unavoidable circumstances' Eat:Nailsea was back and Clevedon in October was cancelled.
Organisers Bev and Sarah Milner Simonds were thrilled to be back in Nailsea.
Bev said: "This was our biggest Eat:Nailsea yet with Crown Glass Shopping Centre full of stalls from Wetherspoons to Waitrose and the usual section of the High Street too."
Nailsea Town Council had opened talks with Bev and Sarah earlier in the year with a view to reinstate the popular day-long event although its grant was cut to £750.
And many councillors including chairman Mike Bird attended.
A lookalike Status Quo musician and Tony and Tina Davey back from an extended golden wedding anniversary were among the festival goers. Sildeshow above is setting up taken before 9am in the morning.
An unfortunate timetable schedule saw the floral hanging baskets being removed as the stalls went up.
Eat festivals are free to attend, family-friendly, accessible day-long events held in town centres throughout the West Country showcasing local producers alongside workshops, live music, street entertainment and competitions.
Eat:Nailsea food & drink fest
Saturday, October 28, 2023
Pumpkins pie and carvings
October 2023
If you have pumpkin/s to dispose after Halloween you could do one of five things with them :
1 If you have a composter you could compost the pumpkin/s
2 If you have food waste you could use this for collection
3 If you have garden waste you could use that service for collection
4 You could take them to the household recycling centre as garden waste
5 As a last resort you could dispose of them as domestic waste

Advice from North Somerset Recycling and Waste

Spooky Halloween scenes
October 2023

What is a beaver moon UK? According to Farmer's Almanac, the name for November's full moon, the Beaver Moon, arises from the fact these animals have gathered sufficient food stores and begin to take shelter in their lodges at this time of year.
The light of the full moon helps guide the nocturnal animals to build and repair dams and dens before they enter hibernation.
This is another wonderful moon shot taken from the Walnut Close, Nailsea, garden of Phil Williams in November 2023.
I see the moon, the moon sees me,
God bless the moon and God bless me:
There's grace in the cottage and grace in the hall;
And the grace of God is over us all.