Our town is a very nice town

THE online community newspaper for Nailsea people, their family and their friends
There is a new abridged What's On 2020 HERE postponed events have been archived
July 2020
January homes for sale by Property Peeps page sponsors Hunters Estate Agents and Letting Agents in the High Street HERE. Plus news that district council has decided to go it alone with a Local Plan is also on this page
School Peeps
Two brutal Ofsted inspections which came close to totally demoralising a Nailsea primary and secondary – but were they fair? Links to the inspectors verdicts of St Francis RC Primary School and Nailsea School are HERE

Breaking News
You read it here first...with statues being defaced worldwide and one dumped in the docks at Bristol someone put googly eyes Nailsea's tribute to Adge Cutler. The Daily Star was one of many newspapers that reported more HERE

Gallery 2020
Finally after a month of angst the slideshows in our Gallery 2020 have been fixed. Catch-up with the ex-straw-dinary Nailsea scarecrows, Nailsea to Bristol via the Festival Way and VE Day celebrations. Click HERE to see more

ONE WORLD: Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities. This is supported by Simply Green our environmentally-friendly High Street store in Nailsea. Will you be part of Plastic Free July by choosing to refuse single-use plastics? If you want to become an eco-warrior read more by clickng HERE. Nailsea people are reminded our binmen need recycling out by 6am during summer months.

And show goes on...
Nailsea annual flower show is going ahead on Saturday, August 8, but not in the format we know.
Contrary to the coronavirus, summer 2020 will bloom but it will be a virtual display of garden produce and florals on online.
The virtual flower show is being put together by four gallant garden fans Carol Eskell, Sarah Goulty, Sarah Hearne and Keith Norwood with the blessing of Nailsea & District Horticultural Society who are responsible for past events.
This year there are 17 different classes including vegetables, fruit, flowers, cake decoration, handicraft and children’s classes with three sections devoted to photography.
For more details of this novel social media event and to download the programme and entry form click on poster.
The deadline for photographs sent by email to is Friday, August 7.
The fun element is included but there will be no Filton Concert Brass Band or presentation of the silver polished trophies.
Nor sadly will the atrium at Nailsea School be filled with colourful exhibits and fantastic smells.
The first Nailsea flower show was in 1853 and apart from two world wars has run annually nearly every year since.
Usually the ‘daffodil’ dominate the spring show and in the summer is when the fruit and veg come to the fore.
All-in-all window box of wonders grown in gardens, allotments, greenhouses and plant pots.
If you would like to view photographs of flower shows past on Nailsea People reports and winners are on the Flower Peeps page and photograph in Gallery 2019.
Joint show secretary Martyn Davies from 2019 said: “The biggest reward for us is in seeing so many people enjoying themselves, meeting up with friends, and making the show a very special social event for the town."
Good luck to the fab four trying to make 2020 happen.

Help Nailsea family fund cancer treatment not available on NHS
The family of a cricket legend need help to prolong a Nailsea man's life.
Alan Terrell, aged 58, of St Mary’s Grove, has Stage 4 malignant melanoma.
Daughters Emily and Amy Terrell want to raise money on a sponsored walk as the NHS will no longer fund vital treatment recommended by his cancer specialist.
Emily and Amy will be accompanied by cricketers from Cleeve Cricket Club including star players John Hance and Andy Burrell on the 10 miles walk from Bristol Floating Harbour to the ground at Main Road on Sunday, July 19.
Alan is a described as a Cleeve CC legend.
The sponsored foursome hope to help remove the financial burden to pay for further immunotherapy which was stopped when side effects caused liver damage.
Alan is described on the JustGiving fundraising page as ‘a great big softy at heart, devoted family man, amazing friend, keen golfer, and yes, a passionate plane spotter’.
Alan who has been married to Alison for 35 years wants nothing more than to walk each of his daughters down the aisle and to see his future grandchildren.
Alan has undergone without complaint several gruelling treatments including a double-drug regime of immunotherapy which in turn led to side effects with liver disease.
Since then Alan developed two brain tumours successfully removed by gamma radiation.
Now, in June 2020, with further smaller tumours emerging, his consultant says the only treatment that can help is immunotherapy, but this time with a lesser toxicity regime that hopefully won’t adversely affect his liver.
This time, however, the NHS won’t pay.
Alan has through it all, and to this day, felt fit and well, say his supporters.
He gets on the golf course whenever he can and walks his cockerpoo, Maisy every day.
Emily and Amy said ‘we simply cannot accept that he should now give up his fight and let this disease win by taking away his joy and his life’.
The only way we can get the immunotherapy he needs is to pay privately for it and it costs £7,500 every six weeks, added the sisters.
They need £45,000 for six treatments.
Andy Burrell said: “Al and I have played cricket and golf together for over four decades now and you couldn’t wish to meet a more kind and loyal friend.”
To help click HERE.
STOP PRESS: After an overwhelming and loving response to the appeal we are pleased to report Alan will have his first immunotherapy treatment on Tuesday, July 14, said Deborah Fothergill who organised the Just Giving appeal. She added: "Thanks to the generosity and sharing £7,500 was raised within just three days of the appeal launch and it's these funds that will pay for the first two treatments. We cannot thank everyone enough as we are well on our way to the £45K target with donation at more than £13K so far."
Don’t forget the sponsored walk from Bristol to Cleeve Cricket Club on the Sunday, July 19.

Litter strewn streets and parks have become an increasing problem along with fly-tipping during the lockdown.
More people at home and not eating out has added to the volume of food waste and packaging rubbish.
Coupled with the recycling centres being closed disposal and dumping has increased – see below new opening times at Backwell tip.
Concerned Nailsea mum Jess Claire said: "Some people are recklessly dropping their bottles and glasses on footpaths and the underpass.
"I have several times had to pick glass out of my dog's paws after walking in the Coombe Road and Mizzymead Rise areas with my small children and pet."
Some blame is attached to the scavenging seagulls and squirrels and the message is if a bin is full take your rubbish home.
Better Nailsea volunteers (and you can be one) meet at 65 High Street at 10am on Saturday, July 11, where there will be equipment ready to collect.
Organiser Lisa Davidson said: "After months of lockdown we have all seen the community spirit thrive in Nailsea, so let's keep it up!
"It will be fabulous to see you and spend a couple of hours in the fresh air tidying up our lovely town."

A planning application to turn the old Modern Art Tattoo shop at 128A High Street into a shop or offices has been submitted to North Somerset Council.
The premises fronts Waitrose car park behind the High Street.
The piercing and body art salon opened in 2010 and closed early in 2019.
A change of use application for conversion to a one bedroom flat was refused in July last year and dismissed at appeal in April this year.
The new application says 'given that the proposal to convert the building into a dwelling has been refused this leaves the building still empty and in need of a use in what is a fairly prominent location within the town centre and adds some flexibility for potential tenants'.

From Monday, July 6, trailers will be able to access the recyling centres for the last hour of opening each day.
Trailers arriving before the final hour will be turned away.
Normal restrtrictions on trailers apply including no access on Sundays.
Summer opening hours at Backwell until Wednesday, September 30:
10am-4pm Monday, Tuesday and Friday
9am- 4.30pm Saturday
9am-4pm Sunday
closed Wednesday and Thursday
closed bank holidays
Backwell Recycling Centre is at Coles Quarry, Church Town, Backwell.
Some restrictions to manage queues and social distancing apply including only one visit per month.
Click HERE for more Information on recycling centres during the coronavirus pandemic

Nailsea Speedwatch clocked a BMW driver travelling at 65mph on Nailsea Park on Saturday, July 11.
The road was full of young children and their families on their bikes.
The BMW driver was one of 22 recorded speeding in just one hour.
Police are now following up.
Speed cameras have been calibrated and extreme speeders will be prosecuted.
A Nailsea Speedwatch spokesman said: “65mph is stupid, dangerous, antisocial.
“Stop it before someone gets hurt or worse.”
Read more on the Breaking News page.

RA Wait Garage Services is still open for business!
John, Paul and Nathan have been working hard to help keep key workers, including NHS, supermarket and pharmacy staff, on the road.
They understand that the vast majority of their customers are currently staying at home right now.
Don’t forget that RA Wait offer a vehicle collection and delivery service to people in the local area who can no longer leave their homes.
This is at no extra cost so please ask for further details when you book your service, MOT etc.
Garages will undoubtedly be very busy later in the year when restrictions are lifted so if you need your car collecting sooner, please get in contact.
Whilst the government has announced a 6 month extension for cars that were due their MOT on or after March 30th, it’s important that your vehicle doesn’t become unroadworthy if you continue to use it.
Find us at Unit 24, Southfield Rd Trading Estate, BS48 1JJ or call us on 01275 866353 or visit
is powered by
The TEK Hut
The TEK Hut was started by Ben Parker in the summer of 2018.
For 12 years Ben had been one of the team at The ICT Workshop which provided a wide variety of computer services to Nailsea, Clevedon, Yatton, Backwell and even Weston-Super-Mare.
Ben felt it right to continue the same great service customers had previously experienced but under new branding for a new business and The Tek Hut was born.
Trading at the familiar location in Nailsea, The Tek Hut will continue to offer the same cost effective, new laptops and PCs, upgrades, onsite support for homes and businesses through to a wide range of workshop services and accessories.

Window Cleaning
Get spruced up for 2020 with this Nailsea-based company boasting best prices
Quotes for fascia, gutters and drainpipe cleaning no obligation
Call 0759 532 3274


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Schoolwear: Uniforms, Accessories and Name Tapes
Sportswear: PE Kits, Gumshields, Shin Pads and Velcro Daps
Dancewear: RAD Approved for Ballet, Tap, Modern and Jazz
Activitywear: Uniforms for Rainbows, Brownies and Guides
School Togs
Clevedon Walk, Nailsea, BS48 1RS
01275 857491
Nailsea bed and breakfast

A home from home at Highdale the family-owned bed and breakfast at Nailsea. The B&B at 82 Silver Street is run by Tony and Tina Davey. Call 01275 858004, email, or go online by clicking HERE for more details