Hundreds of people took a peep inside the old Nailsea school being converted into homes at an open morning.
But most weren't buyers but former teachers and pupils keen to see what the builders had done to their old classrooms.
Building work should finish this summer at Four Oaks, the former infant school at Silver Street.
The school is being converted into three properties with five new build properties being built within the grounds.
This includes three three-bed dormer bungalows in the playground.
The main building is being turned into four new homes with a new house added on the end.
And the office once used by the late headmistress Christine Milton is being made into a modern three-bed home.
Many of the converted properties have vaulted ceilings and state-of-the-art fittings but they are a bit dark and with limited outside space.
One person keen to view the redevelopment was retired medical secretary Kathy Reynolds, aged 70, who lives directly opposite Four Oaks.
Kathy said: “Both my children went to Four Oaks.
“I am quite impressed with the standard of work they have done - and the builders, although there has been a lots of lorries, they have been very obliging if I have needed to get out of the drive or anything.
“I am not quite sure about the size of the rooms in the one I have been in but the stonework and slate roofs are all in keeping.
"But if appealing to older people there are steps to the front and back doors.
"If the grey paint is going to be the finished colour it doesn’t match the rest of the area which mostly has white PVC replacement windows and it is a shame that wooden window frames have been fitted require more maintenance.
"School House looks nice – where Mrs Milton had her office."
While on social media the announcement of the open morning brought a flurry of comments.
OSCE monitoring officer Alex Melbourne who is currently based in the Ukraine said: "I remember my first day at school there, aged five.
"A long time ago!"
And Mark Edwards who now lives in Torquay said: "I thought it was a listed building and could not be torn down.
"I still remember they extended the playground area at the back the year I left, and to this day I think of it as the new playground.
"And I remember watching a man tend his beehive in the overgrown area below the rear play area.
"Very happy days."
Weston-based photographer Jeremy Long said: "I fondly remember playing in the big hollowed out tree."
Prices range from at £285,000 to £335,000.
Four Oaks fell victim to the falling pupil numbers in Nailsea and rising maintenance costs.
Estate agent Mark Hunter said many of the people who came along on Saturday morning came along out of curiousity.
He said: “Yes, there probably were hundreds of people at the open morning but I would say it was an 80-20 per cent split between ex staff and ex students and those wanting to buy.”
“We are not sure what we have sold so far as we are actually working on offers at the moment“

Market 7th anniversary

Dog owners in North Somerset are being warned 'be more responsible or face being fined'.
North Somerset Council is stepping up its patrols of streets and public open spaces in an attempt to clamp down on the irresponsible behaviour of some dog owners.
Principal environmental health officer Dee Mawn said: "Owning a dog is a big responsibility, but some owners are not taking that responsibility seriously enough.
"It is expected that all dog owners should keep their dogs under close control and pick up after their animals, but it appears that even these most basic of requirements are being ignored."
Since being appointed in December last year council community response officers have spoken to many people regarding dog control issues and some irresponsible owners have received fines as a result of their behaviour.
The Anti-social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014 gives local authorities powers to introduce Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs).
The council is considering introducing PSPOs in the district to further restrict the activities of dogs in some of the most popular recreational spaces.
Dee added: "We don’t want to penalise the responsible dog owners by introducing more restrictions, but we have no choice if the level of dog fouling in our open spaces doesn’t improve.
"We urge anyone who sees someone not picking up after their dog to report it to the council."
They can do this by calling the council on 01275 888002, emailing or reporting it online by clicking HERE.

For events at Nailsea and nearby including cinema listings such as children's matinee Moomins on the Riviera and live bands go to the What's On page by click ing HERE.
May 2015 news 3
Open morning at Four Oaks

Nailsea farmers’ market celebrated its seventh birthday on Saturday.
Crown Glass Shopping Centre was bathed in glorious sunshine for the anniversary and all the stalls were decked out with bunting and balloons.
At the craft market live singing was provided by the Barley Folk Choir and David Francis & Pete Glanville while the community market resounded to the sounds of Mike Bostock US Old Time Band.
Local baker Nicola Hicks made the birthday cake.
Waitrose wine specialist Eric Condell popped some ‘fizz’ providing a fitting toast.
The cake and bubbly was shared with customers and stallholders.
Atrium bar, restaurant and coffee lounge served up some delicious tasters for customers to try and provided the second prize of a ‘lunch for two’ for the raffle.
Nailsea town councillors ran the raffle in aid of the Nepal Disaster Fund and raised more than £102.
The first prize was two over-flowing jute bags of market produce and third prize a bag of barbecue and picnic items donated by Waitrose Nailsea.
Click HERE to find the dates of the next town centre markets which are on the food and drink listings page.

Fines for irresponsible Nailsea dog owners

Our town is a very nice town
THE online community newspaper for Nailsea people, their family and their friends