Our town is a very nice town

THE online community newspaper for Nailsea people, their family and their friends
May days 2023
Property Peeps

Our property peeps page sponsors are in London not for the coronation but a showcase on Thursday, May 11. We have a round-up of land under threat of development from the NAG annual meeting and more HERE

What's On 2023
The page for street markets, fairs, fetes and fests, all the fun things but sadly no eat:Nailsea for 2023. Dance, theatre and concerts, live band gigs and pub quizzes also feature. Read all about it HERE

Gallery 2023
We will start a new May gallery but first we have hundreds of images in our first slideshows for 2023 featuring Backwell lake, winter walks as well as sensational sunrises and sunsets. This is a fab photo by Phil Williams of the Flying Scotsman taken on Sunday, April 30, others when it steamed past the platform people at Nailsea & Backwell railway station on route to Devon are HERE. Please email pics to

ROYAL COMMAND: Full programme of events in Nailsea and nearby was on our What's On page but with photos of our own Coronation Street knitted decorations all moved HERE. Nailsea Town Council is presenting every primary school aged child with a special commemorative coin to mark the occasion. Several silideshows of bank holiday weekend are now posted
computer techies for the online community
The TEK Hut was started by Ben Parker in the summer of 2018.
For 12 years Ben had been one of the team at The ICT Workshop which provided a wide variety of computer services to Nailsea, Clevedon, Yatton, Backwell and even Weston-Super-Mare.
Ben felt it right to continue the same great service customers had previously experienced but under new branding for a new business and The Tek Hut was born.
Trading at the familiar location in Nailsea, The Tek Hut will continue to offer the same cost effective, new laptops and PCs, upgrades, onsite support for homes and businesses through to a wide range of workshop services and accessories.

Window Cleaning
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Two properties reserved already even before showroom opened on Friday, April 28.
This is the beautiful Woodstock Homes development of ten stone cladding and brick 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes.
Nailsea People had a private look at the 4-bed Chepstow on the market for £625,000.
Photos on our property peeps page HERE.
For more details and to book viewing appointment go to
Do you fancy a new handbag, then come to Nailsea market on Saturday morning, May 20, when Leg Club will be having the now famous ‘handbag stall’. We’d very much welcome donations for the stall, rucksacks, evening bags, handbags or purses, so go through what you have and if no use to you any more consider donating via 65 High Street. Call Carole Brooke 0795 430 2498 or Sandy Riley 01275 853547 for more information or go to our Healthy Peeps page.
We thought after our detailed feature about potential development in Nailsea that may be it for a while but property speculators are unrelenting and another planning application for Winchcombe Close open space has been submitted which involves building on top of a coal seam. Read all about it HERE.
Root cause of tree concerns
Trees in Nailsea with ash dieback disease will not automatically get cut down.
Although Silverback Arboriculture Consultancy said five trees must go after a comprehensive inspection of all trees growing on land owned or managed by Nailsea Town Council.
In a detailed report by Deb Randall, she recommended two trees at Hannah More play park, two on Festival Way and another at the Grove for immediate removal.
She found evidence of ash dieback disease at Hannah More play park, Festival Way, the Grove, Whitesfield Road allotments
But, say worried householders, North Somerset Council tree officers are protecting many trees with:
Blanket TPOs;
Signs of disease;
Dead branches; and
Roots going under neighbouring properties.
Ash dieback is a chronic fungal disease that has been spreading across the UK.
It was first recorded in Worcestershire in 2016 and now appears to be widespread in the county.
But in Devon the advice is: 'Do not fell live infected ash trees unless for public safety. There is evidence that a small proportion of trees will be able to tolerate the disease and recover.'
And the principal tree officer Cathy Lynch agrees.
She said in a letter to North Somerset MP Liam Fox who was trying to get some clarity on the situation to wait and see.
Ms Lynch said: “The ash tree at Quarry Way is a significant feature with good amenity value.
“I did not see any obvious deadwood in the crown at the time of my visit and in stormy conditions it isn’t unusual for trees to shed deadwood.
“Storm Eunice caused an unusual red weather warning with trees, buildings and structures suffering damage across the country.
“The tree is overhanging the garden of properties and there are signs that branches have been cut back in the past but there is adequate clearance between the tree and the building.
“Birds are wild animals and we have no control over their habits, we cannot prune trees to try and discourage wildlife.
“We will continue to monitor the tree and if action is required due to ash dieback disease, we will schedule this in.”
However, a conciliatory offer was made to reappraise this summer by ‘re-examining when the tree is in full bud’.
At the same time damage to a wall and risk to schoolchildren who use the route to get to school will be re-visited.
Meanwhile with TPOs confirmed on all the greenery growing between Birdlip Close and Bibury Close neighbours worry the overgrown beeches are damaging their homes.

Do you know that every time you buy a carrier bag at The Original Factory Shop in Nailsea or scan your Tofs App the store donates money to Your Cancer Café based at 65 High Street?
The store also accepts donations of books and any money raised selling the tomes also goes to this great cause .
Pictured is Tofs manager Kerry Morrison presenting yet another cheque this time for £314 to the café charity founder Joanne Hopkinson.
Your Cancer Café is a mutually supportive group for anyone affected by cancer.
It provides a safe space for people to talk, if they wish to, with others in similar situations and a place to get information, complimentary therapies and well-being art and craft activities.
Your Cancer café meets on each third Thursday of the month from 2-5pm at No 65, High Street, Nailsea BS48 1AW.
They also provide tea, coffee and cakes.

DEMOCRACY RULE: North Somerset incuding Nailsea residents will be going to the polls on Thursday, May 4, 2023. Not all the 35 district wards and 39 parish councils will hold elections for new councillors as in some areas not enough candidates put their names forward. Polling cards have been issued and those going in person will need to present an acceptable form of photo ID. Polling booths will be open 7am-10pm. More information on our Political Peeps page HERE. Nailsea People will be attending the count at Hutton More Leisure Centre on Friday, May 5, to bring you all the voting news as it happens which we will share on our Facebook page - not expecting any surprises but you never know..
UPDATE: All thoughts of political have disappeared for now with a full round-up of how Nailsea voted HERE (no parish/town council results yet) and the #dogsatpollingstation photos are HERE
Tofs give bags of help

The Friends of Trendlewood Park volunteer group in Nailsea (FoTP) in collaboration with North Somerset Council and local community groups arranged the installation of a much- needed new noticeboard for the park.
Recent Green Flag judges have drawn attention to the need for such an interactive notice board, which enables the group to share its activities and events with park users.
The volunteer group took the lead in designing and commissioning a noticeboard, which was supplied by Wards of Bristol.
It has a freshly reprinted interpretation panel and a lockable cabinet for community information.
Funding came from grants donated by Rotary Nailsea & Backwell, Waitrose and Nailsea Town Council. The town council already provides the FoTP with an annual grant to plan continuous improvements to the park.
At the end of April, on one of the few sunny days during this month, FoTP members met with representatives from the donor organisations to show them the noticeboard and thank them for their support and generosity.
FoTP chairman Pat Gilbert said: "We would in particular like to thank Rotary Nailsea & Backwell community lead Ken Rock and Nailsea Waitrose community partner Isobel Williams for their personal interest and support."
If you would like to find out more about FoTP and Trendlewood Park, you can visit the website, which has constantly updated photos of park wildlife to enjoy at
If you would like to join, membership of the group is free and open-ended.
Pat added: "You can be an 'armchair naturalist', or come out to help us look after this beautiful park on regular workdays.
Nailsea park people get noticed

"The park is there for the enjoyment and relaxation of all, and to provide many semi- wild spaces for plants, birds and animals to flourish.
"At this time of year, there is plenty of blossom, colourful meadows and abundant wildlife to enjoy."
BUG'S LIFE: Flora and fauna detailed on FoTP website

BLUE IS THE COLOUR: Bluebells growing at Towerhouse woods near Jacklands fishing lake taken at the beginning of May and shared with Nailsea People by Pam Blower, thank you. The other photo is taken by local author MJ Greenwood in the woods at Wrington. Bluebells are a bulbous perennial plant, found in Atlantic areas from north-western Spain to the British Isles/ In Scotland it is called a harebell

Work is underway in Nailsea which involves the rerouting of a public pavement through Station Road car park.
The work is being carried out for North Somerset Council by ETM Contractors Ltd (Bristol);
The existing path, which runs alongside the service road, has been greatly affected by tree roots making it uneven for pedestrians and could, in time, also be detrimental to the trees.
In addition in wet weather the old pavement was plagued by huge puddles.
A North Somerset Council spokesman said: “The pavement is being diverted through the car park as the previous pavements were suffering tree root damage. Rerouting the pavement will help prevent any damage to the trees.
"The relocated path follows a more pleasant route and also allows former surfaced areas to be replaced by topsoil to benefit tree roots and planting with suitable flowers.
“In addition, the service road which forms part of the car park will soon have two new loading bays installed, this is to encourage more deliveries to be made in this area and reduce the traffic, including large vehicles, using the High Street.”
While the work is being carried out, two ducts have been installed under the surface for the provision of electric vehicle chargers to be installed in the future. Some uneven blocks nearby will also be attended to.
The pavement works are expected to take six weeks and be completed by early June.
But a long wait for a new surface and layout for the car park is still in abeyance.
It was back in 2018 that the town council complained about the district council owned car park saying the pedestrian walkways had become ‘hazardous’.
Costs are being split between the councils with North Somerset paying a larger part of the bill, said Nailsea Town Council clerk Jo Duffy.
Five years ago Nailsea Town Council put £50,000 in its budget to pay for improvements.