the online community newspaper for Nailsea people, their family and their friends
April 2018

Our town is a very nice town
BLOG - places

New butchers block at North Street, Nailsea
Bakers the Nailsea butchers want to demolish its North Street shop and build a three-storey block of flats on the site.
If planning permission goes ahead for the six flats, one proposal is for the butcher’s shop to move into Crown Glass Shopping Centre or if the application fails, to close.
Bakers of Nailsea is a well-established family business which has traded from this site for more than three decades and in support of its application to North Somerset Council it says trade has been affected by the business being away from the main shopping area.
The nearly one-hectare site is at the crossroad with North Street, Hanham Way and Queens Road.
Originally a scheme for five houses had been discussed with district council planners who suggested a ‘landmark structure’ such as a block of flats on the site.
The proposal is for vehicular access from Firleaze and not as at present North Street with all windows facing north-east and south west to ensure that there will be no overlooking into nearby neighbouring properties or directly onto the windows of nearby houses.
And there is no evidence of any protected species having been found within this site which says the application is not surprising considering the rigorous cleaning required within shop premises storing and selling raw and cooked meats.
Back in the 1980s controversy about selling the farmland at the end of Queens Road centred on the old mine shafts and pylons straddling the fields.
But the new housing development went ahead anyway, the farmhouse was sold, and the abattoir relocated to West End.
Residents of Firleaze have already posted online their objections to the plans.
Douglas Kay said: “I am disappointed that we only found out about his proposal from a neighbour and not informed directly from the planning authorities.
“I hope that this was an oversight and not a tactic to avoid objections.
“On reviewing the proposal, the height of the development at three storeys is higher than the business it replaces…this will be intrusive and overlook several properties back gardens including my own.
“I totally understand the need for new housing, but I feel a two storey building would be more in keeping with the local environment and maintain privacy.”
Increased traffic flow and parking in a narrow estate road was also a concern, added Mr Kay.
Nicola Wright echoed these sentiments.
She said: “Access via Firleaze is not appropriate.
“It is very narrow with pavement only on one side and any additional traffic would prove a menace and potential danger to existing residents - particularly for children and the elderly.
“There is no scope for any additional parking in the road which would be inevitable for visitors to the flats if access is via Firleaze and North Lane…access for larger vehicles (like) refuse collectors, emergency vehicles would be more difficult if not impossible at times.
“Bakers have been trading from this site for more than 30 years with access to ample parking for delivery vans, lorries and customer cars entering the premises from North Street.
“There have been no historical problems or accidents under this arrangement, and I see no reason why access should not remain via North Street - the access to the much larger development of Avalon House is just as close to the road junction and that was obviously agreed without objection.”
Mum of three young children Emilie Tomkins, of North Street, also objected.
She said: “Our road is a quiet little road and I am objecting to the increase in traffic past our houses.
“The road is not big enough to accommodate any more traffic than currently flows down this road and especially towards the actual entry point for the flats.
“It's is very narrow, and I would argue it isn't even a proper functioning road.
“The current road isn't well maintained as it is - with several pot holes and a poor surface.
“The increase in traffic will only contribute to making this worse with no guarantees from the council that they will seek to make repairs or improvements in a timely fashion.”
To read the comments and plans in full click HERE.
BACKWELL SOUNDBITE 1: Police are looking for phantom vandals who has been slashing car tyres in a North Somerset village.
Cars parked in Hilldale Road and Waverley Road were targeted during the last weekend of March this year.
Only street parked vehicles were attacked and not those left on private drives.
Of the dozen or so cars damaged some had all four tyres slashed.
Last August under cover of darkness approximately 15 vehicles in Rodney Road, Westfield Close, Westfield Road and Chelsfield Road were damaged.
This wanton vandalism isn’t an unknown phenomenon and is sometimes linked to school holidays.
BACKWELL SOUNDBITE 2: A beautiful green field at Backwell will not be built on, a government minister has decreed.
Finally it feels as if Farleigh Fields which has been targeted by developers for longer than Nailsea People care to remember is safe.
PR person Martin Powell said: “This is the right decision.
“Listening to local people on where they want new homes is vital.
“This is a glorious piece of important agricultural land on a hill by the village church that can be seen from miles around.
“The Government brought in Neighbourhood Plans so that local people could make decisions on where they wanted homes and resolve NIMBY issues.
“Backwell was first in country to do this with 90per cent of village agreeing on where the housing allocations should be.
“If this speculative development had been allowed it would have set a precedent for Neighbourhood Plans through the UK to be ignored.”
Read full 104-page inspector’s report by clicking HERE.

Del's Window Cleaning Service
Get spruced up for spring with this Nailsea-based company boasting best prices
Quotes for fascia, gutters and drainpipe cleaning no obligation
Call 0759 532 3274

Schoolwear: uniforms, shoes, nametapes
Sportswear: PE kits and more
Footwear: football boots, Wellington boots, trainers, shoes, velcro daps
Dancewear: RAD approved ballet, tap, modern, jazz
Uniforms and accessories: Beavers, Rainbows, Cubs, Brownies, Guides and Scouts
Colliers Walk, Nailsea
Tel: 01275 857491
Twitter: #schooltogsnailsea

Nailsea bed and breakfast
A home from home at Highdale the family-owned bed and breakfast at Nailsea. The B&B at 82 Silver Street is run by Tony and Tina Davey. Call 01275 858004, email, or go online by clicking HERE for more details