News 1 May 2016
Progress in pictures of work on Nailsea Skatepark Project and Coates House plus report and photos from 2nd Nailsea Scouts May fair HERE

From fairs to films, festivals to fundraisers and much more click HERE
Bristol Airport, Cadbury House, Noah's Ark and Tyntesfield have their own pages under the What's On heading
To find out who is starring in the Bristol Hippodrome and the Playhouse , Weston-super-Mare pantos click HERE to go to the previews and reviews page which includes professional and productions by local amateur dramatic companies

Brexit Nailsea rallying call
North Somerset MP Liam Fox is hosting an anti-European Union public rally at Nailsea on Saturday, May 21, from 6-7.30pm at the Scotch Horn Leisure Centre, Brockway Road.
It is one of a series of Brexit (blend of the words 'British' and 'exit' ) rallies he is holding in the constituency.
Dr Fox is a leading campaigner with Brexit whose supporters have voiced concerns about the global competitiveness of British businesses, immigration and national securit.
A referendum is being held on Thursday, June 23, to decide whether Britain should leave or remain in the European Union.
The referendum was promised by Conservative prime minister David Cameron in the run-up to the 2015 general election.
The European Union (EU) is an economic and political partnership of 28 European countries began after World War 2.
The idea was to foster economic co-operation which in turn thought that countries which trade together are more likely to avoid going to war with each other.
It has since grown to become a 'single market' allowing goods and people to move around, basically as if the member states were one country.
It has its own currency, the euro, which is used by 19 of the member countries, its own parliament and it now sets rules in a wide range of areas - including on the environment, transport, consumer rights and even things like mobile phone charges.
The former Defence Secretary recently told a fringe event at the Scottish Tory conference that the 'In campaign' represents the 'establishment'.
Dr Fox told his Scottish Conservative audience the exit campaign is 'something of a peasants' revolt' from the UK's grass roots fighting against a well-funded pro-EU establishment.
And although he accepted there would be 'risks to leaving' if the country votes to quit the EU there were 'huge risks' to staying in.
And the prominent Eurosceptic dismissed suggestions that a vote for 'Brexit' would trigger a second independence referendum in Scotland.
Momentum is growing behind the EU exit campaign and the bookies are currently offering 9/4 for voters opting to to end central control by Brussels and give Britain the freedom to manage its own affairs.
The in/out referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU will take place on Thursday. June 23.
Other Brexit rallies planned by Dr Fox are being on:
Saturday, May 14, 2-3.30pm at The Conservative Club, 2 Kenn Road, Clevedon BS21 6EL;
Saturday, May 21, 2-3.30pm at Yatton Masonic Lodge, High Street, Yatton BS49 4DW;
Saturday, June 11, 2-3.30pm Portishead Somerset Hall; and
Saturday, June 11, 6-7pm Priory School, Weston-super-Mare.
All are public meetings and there will be an open floor question and answer session at each rally to give constituents an opportunity to question their MP.
Supersize surgery
A supersized medical practise is just what a group of North Somerset GPs have ordered.
From later this summer GPs at Backwell, Long Ashton and Nailsea will operate in a much larger, merged medical practice.
This is to help them cope with the evolving demands of the NHS in 2016.
The three practices are Backwell and Nailsea Medical Group which runs surgeries at Brockway, Nailsea and Station Road, Backwell; Nailsea Family Practice which is based at Tower House and Long Ashton Surgery at Rayens Cross Road.
With 30 GPs and numerous nurses and ancillary medical staff the three practises with four surgeries currently look after an estimated 32,000 patients.
Dr Jon Rees, a partner at Backwell and Nailsea Medical Group, said a bigger organisation would be more 'robust' in what are challenging times for the NHS.
He said: “Our proposed date for merger is in the summer/autumn of 2016.
“Our intention is to merge the businesses and management, but to try to maintain the individuality of each practice.
“This means that for patients the change will be seamless with ‘business as usual’ following the merger.
“Patients will still have access to the same GPs and services as before.
“This merger is necessary for the practices to cope with the rapid pace of change in the NHS, while continuing to provide the excellent care to our patients which is at the heart of all our values.
“Becoming one, larger organisation will ensure more resilience to these changes and the financial challenges placed upon us.
“It will also create more opportunities for staff career development and increased job security.
“As a result of the merger, we expect to be able to improve and expand the services we currently provide for patients.
“We are all committed to providing a high quality service and we believe this change will enable us to continue to deliver it.
“We hope all our patients support this move and we will keep everyone updated with our progress.”
The merged group will emerge with a new name currently being mulled over by staff and its senior management structure may have to change.
Dr Rees added: “Booking will remain as it is now - patients will remain registered with the individual surgeries.
“This may change in the long term but no immediate plans to do so.”
But in an online notice to current patients is warned ‘The workload of all GP practices has risen hugely in risen years and we need to make sure that staff time is used effectively. At present each practice is duplicating many routine tasks’.
Brockway and Backwell are award-winning practices which in a patient vote in a newspaper poll came in the top 10 nationwide.
Other North Somerset doctors have already taken the decision to merge in a bid to be better placed to meet the continuing pressures on the NHS.
Medical practices at Wrington, Yatton and Congresbury merged last year to become Mendip Vale Medical Practice, serving more than 22,000 patients.
Practice managers said as a larger practice it would be in a better position to provide sufficient doctors and nurses to meet increasing demands.
The move also followed a rise in the number of patients with more complex health needs and an increase in the workload of the practice.
The Clevedon GP surgeries have also merged to form Clevedon Medical Group and there have been mergers between practices in Weston-super-Mare.
Before Nailsea Health Centre opened in the shopping precinct in the mid-1970s Nailsea people used to go a surgery at the High Street home of Dr Willoughby or the Station Road home of Dr David Wright on Station Road.
His brother John had a surgery the front room of a cottage opposite Christ Church which was demolished when the town centre was built.
And before that according to The Book Of Nailsea written by Margaret Thomas ‘in the 1920s the local doctor was John White who lives at Orchard House. He had an iron leg, and long white beard and often made house calls on horseback. His nephew Reggie became his partner and they were joined later Dr Gornall’.
The now semi-derelict building next to the library which later became a Weston College satellite is currently being marketed for nearly £1 million.
Despite having lots of small individual consulting rooms off a central corridor with district nurses and two receptions the new purpose built single storey medical centre couldn’t cope with the influx of population of 1960-70s Nailsea.
This led to the late Hugh Davies and new partner Robin Lambert to move out and set up Brockway Medical Centre in the mid-1980s.
A little later the rest of the doctors moved out and set up a separate surgery at the five-storey Tower House off Stockway South.
PHOTOS: From left Dr Wlloughby's High Street surgery which in turn became Nailsea Bookshop,
Gary Henri fashion store, St Peter's Hospice charity shop and Broad Street Hair, the old Nailsea Medical Centre
more latterly Weston College at Nailsea and the newest surgery at Tower House with in-house pharmacy

Always in our hearts
A memorial football match for James Colman who died in March is being held at Nailsea on Sunday, May 22.
James, aged 22, died suddenly in his sleep and the charity match in his memory will raise money for the British Heart Foundation.
James was a member of Nailsea United Football Club and his friends have organised a match between two teams which had a big influence on his life – Nailsea United and his junior team Nailsea Athletic.
The memorial match is being held at 3pm at Grove Sports Centre and his family and friends are invited to watch the game and support the cause.
A party with beer and music will be held at the venue in St Mary’s Grove in the evening and people are welcome to attend to share their memories and celebrate James’ life.
Tough As Nails the cross-country endurance course set up by a Nailsea community police sergeant is this year being run at a tribute to teenager Alex Gould.
Alex, 18, died earlier this year after being one of four people walking along Clevedon Road who were hit by a car.
Event organiser Sgt Mark Raby said: “The collision in February really rocked the whole community and we felt that dedicating this year’s race to Alex would be a lovely way to celebrate his life and bring the community together.”
The event at Nailsea & Backwell Rugby Club on Saturday, July 23, will be started by Alex’s mother and spectators are welcome alongside race entrants.
Money raised this year is going towards a youth shelter at Millennium Park.
It is hoped that the shelter will have space for remembrance plaques to commemorate the lives of young people who have lost their lives in the local area.
Anyone interested in taking part or supporting the event can get in touch by e-mailing
The closing date for taking part is Saturday, June 18.

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Sportswear: PE kits and more
Footwear: football boots, Wellington boots, trainers, shoes, velcro daps
Dancewear: RAD approved ballet, tap, modern, jazz
Uniforms and accessories: Beavers, Rainbows, Cubs, Brownies, Guides and Scouts
Colliers Walk, Nailsea
Tel: 01275 857491
Twitter: #schooltogsnailsea