Will last one to leave turn the lights out?
The neighbours are kicking off again as Nailsea School makes another attempt to use its all-weather pitch for longer hours.
But not all the natives are angry.
Although one Ash Hayes Drive residents thanks the Mizzymead Road comprehensive for consulting them this time another cites the 2012 application which was dismissed and the school ordered to pay thousands of pounds in costs.
Yet Phil Love, of Worcester Gardens, tells North Somerset Council in his online comment said: "This facility is for family use in the local community and opening longer hours will only enhance the opportunities for all ages to enjoy sport. It is difficult to book this facility proving the need for longer opening hours."
But another neighbour who lodged a formal objection said: "Nothing has changed since Nailsea School last applied for longer hours of the all-weather pitch...these extra hours are not required by the school but by adults whose behaviour - shouting, swearing, kicking footballs against the wire fencing- has been witnessed."
Joe Swanson, of School View, Wraxall, said: "While I fully empathise with the objections made to this proposal, I feel that the community benefits achieved of extending access times to this wonderful facility strongly outweigh the valid concerns from the facility's neighbours."
Currently use of the all-weather pitch is not allowed before 8.30am or after 8pm from Monday to Friday, not before 8.30am or after 6pm on Saturdays and not before 9am or after 1.30 hours on Sundays.
The floodlights can only be switched on when the all-weather pitch is in use.
With some of the best sports facilities in North Somerset and the Greater Bristol the restrictions stop Nailsea School being able to meet the level of demand for use of its all-weather pitch and it is asking for a little leeway.
There was a school on the site long before the next door houses were built and the land used for the all-weather pitch was once a swimming pool and gym covered by tatty, flapping, plastic corregated sheeting which eventually blew away.
In a nutshell what the school is asking for is from May-June an extra half an hour on weekday nights, an hour later on Saturdays, and two hours later in the afternoons on Sundays and bank holidays.
It is in the winter months from August to April it wants the biggest change
by staying open until 9.30am weekdays and 8.30pm on Saturdays.
There are various other minor amendments and concessions but these are the most radical.
As part of its planning application to North Somerset Council submitted on its behalf by Sunderland Property and Legal Serivces Ltd the school said: "It has already been established that the only issue that may prevent the granting of consent is the issue of noise arising from the extended hours of use and whether this results in an unacceptable effect on the living conditions of the residents of dwellings near to the all-weather pitch.
"The issue of lighting was assessed as part of the previous application and it was concluded that this had no significant effect on the living conditions of neighbouring residents.
"The previous application was refused by committee against the advice of the planning officer and the environmental health officer who were both of the view that extended hours of use would not result in unacceptable harm to the living conditions of neighbours.
"In their appeal decision, the planning inspector gave significant weight to the level of noise that he heard during his appeal site visit which took place during school hours when the all-weather pitch was being used by students of Nailsea School – it is argued that this is not representative of the noise that is likely to occur in the evening.
"The noise monitoring survey report that is in included with the application clearly shows that noise from the all-weather pitch in the evenings is within levels that the World Health Organisation considers to be acceptable with further protection to the neighbouring dwellings in Mizzymead Road by the provision of an acoustic fence."
Similar permission has already been given to Sidcot School.
To see the full planning submission, supporting comments and objections click HERE.
Nailsea School, which has Technology and Arts College status opened in 1959 as a grammar school with 90 pupils.
In 2010 the school moved into a £32 million new building on the same campus which included the state-of-the-art all weather pitch with floodlighting.
Currently the school has more than 1,000 pupils and converted to an academy in September 2012.
It appointed a new head Chris Wade in summer 2013.

A gravestone but no human remains
Workmen found what looks like a gravestone and three dead bodies this week while digging at the old Glassworks site at Nailsea.
However, it isn’t human remains they unearthed only two dead mice and a squashed frog!
But beneath the undergrowth the men from contractors Wick discovered a plinth with the name GO Dennis carved into the stone.
The workman are two weeks into a 14 week contract to turn the historic eyesore into a community park with seating and pathways on the green patch opposite Tesco supermarket.
It is getting a major facelift thanks to Nailsea Town Council.
But this hasn't meant councillors out there weeding or pushing wheelbarrows!
North Somerset Council finally agreed this month to transfer the freehold of the site for £1 into the ownership of town council.
And English Heritage had already given permission to infill the historic remains at the Glassworks.
Expert contractors had to be appointed to remove some of the soil – some of which is believed to be contaminated with lead, mercury and arsenic as a result of glassmaking activities – from the site.
The remaining archaeology on the site, some which can be seen poking through the ground, will be covered over to protect it.
The rest has over time found its way into the garden rockeries of many Nailsea gardens.
Pictured top left and right are 'men at work' photos and immediately below how the site looks today.The photo above shows all the greenery is how the site looked before work began.

Despite talks with the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) too date no funding or
offers of grants to clear the site and protect the remains has been secured.
In then end Nailsea Town Council bit the bullet and went ahead alone.
The appointed contractors at a cost of £195,000 to clear the site and protect its archaeological remains with the help of a public works loan.
The Glassworks, in its time regarded as one of the most significant glassworks in the UK, was established in 1788 and operated until 1873.
Among the photos of old Nailsea in the gallery are some of the Glassworks.
The fate of the old Royal Oak garage next door is also part of the land scheduled under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 to be of national importance.
For more details click HERE.

Not in my Nailsea backyard
Moving on with Phil and Sharon at farewell party
Developers are looking to build hundreds of new homes between Nailsea and Backwell.
Let’s face it Nailsea is dying on its feet and if it doesn’t get an influx of new blood soon the future commercially and socially looks pretty grim.
More businesses will close and so will some of our schools.
But where next? The one thing Nailsea people is good at is protesting.
We don’t want pylons, we don’t want massive housing developments and we certainly don’t want to pay for parking. We don’t want ad infinitum.
The town has a well documented shortage of affordable homes and a shortage of houses for people wanting to downsize after their families have grown up and left home.
So where – build on fields facing Backwell, or towards Tickenham or Wraxall?
People have got to live somewhere...but which site will do the worse harm to our flora and fauna?
This week an application for 450 homes has been submitted to North Somerset Council to build on sloping farmland north of Youngwood Lane.
It goes behind the Grove Sports Centre and the adder-infested public open space at The Uplands and runs as far west as Netherton Wood Lane which would be its principal access route.
In the late 1980s mighty builders Costain, which was part of the original Channel Tunnel consortium, planned to build a huge estate and continue the Long Ashton bypass between Nailsea and Backwell.
The Morgan’s Hill Protection Association (MHPA) was formed to fight the development and to protect the land round Backwell Lake, Youngwood Lane and Morgan’s Hill.
After a three year campaign the MHPA was successful.
However, Nailsea at that time had many more young people than it could cope with and headlines about unruly youths and lack of facilities dominated.
A public inquiry rejected the developers’ plan; the planning inspector said that the strength of local opposition was one of the reasons for rejecting the proposals.
But we always knew the builders would be back – so is it the beginning of another attempt to merge Nailsea to Backwell, and will people get as angry this time?
The111 acre site targeted surrounds Bizley House and is approximately half a mile from Backwell lake and not in the green belt.
Builders Mactaggart and Mickel maintain in its submission to district planners that Nailsea could accommodate 1,000 new homes.
Nailsea Town Council favours limited growth with new homes going behind the Coates industrial site but this is not only green belt but in the parish of Wraxall & Failand and that has really upset the neighbours.
Chairman Clare Hunt said in her annual report said: “The 2011 census highlighted a number of issues of major significance for the future of Nailsea.
“The total population is declining: it is now 15,630, down from 17,230 in 1991 and 16,546 in 2001.
“And the population age profile is rapidly shifting toward older age groups, giving concern about the balance of our population.”
Problem here is most of the more recent new homes at Elm Farm although adjoining Nailsea and using its facilities is actually in Wraxall.
And it is a fact that compared to the rest of North Somerset and the south west Nailsea has an oversupply of 4-bed properties and not enough 1 and 2-bed properties.
As part of the application PCL Planning Ltd on behalf of the developers has asked the council to rule on whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is needed before they proceed.
It North Somerset says yes then that will delay decisions by six months at least.
On a more positive note housebuilders Mactaggart & Mickel have been crowned the 'best in the business' for a second year running by trade body Homes For Scotland at an annual awards ceremony in May this year.
Methinks they are just testing the water to see how loud people shout.
And for stories I did earlier see images left from 1989.
Nailsea resident Samantha Mildon said: “Simple”
Kerry Simpkins said: “Maybe there will be cheaper local housing that us first time buyers can afford?”
And North Somerset district councillor Jeremy Blatchford said: 'You can't always get what you want.'
“This town would lose every characteristic that makes it such a great place to live if developers have their ways.
“Go want something else not ruining our town.”

Phil, 62, first got behind the wheel aged 16 and has held a PCV (passenger carrying vehicles) licence since he was 21.
He said: “Seeing people coming back off holiday having enjoyed themselves has been so rewarding.”
Silverlink travel services will be based at Unit 2B, Coates Estate and online at shortly.
Roadworks misery for Nailsea motorists
Major roadworks began on Monday, August 11, on £3.4 million repairs to the Long Ashton bypass.
Scheduled to last 23 weeks with a one-lane traffic scheme in place means it is going to take much longer to travel to work for Nailsea commuters.
North Somerset Council say the route is used by more than 19,000 vehicles each day and that vital maintenance work is needed to repair and replace joints and bearings on the Yanley Viaduct to prevent further deterioration.
Traffic will be restricted as two of the three lanes are closed and although motorists are encouraged to find alternative routes.
However, making a shortcut through the village of Long Ashton is not an alternative.
Only traffic travelling into Bristol will be allowed onto the bypass during the morning from 5am to 11.30am, when the priority is changed to allow traffic travelling out of Bristol to use it in the afternoon.
Diversion routes will see cars coming into North Somerset from Bristol diverted up Clarken Combe and along the B3128, then down Belmont Hill in Wraxall.
Heavy goods vehicles coming into North Somerset from Bristol will be diverted away from the bypass onto Beggar Bush Lane to pick up the A369, down to junction 19 of the M5 motorway to junction 21, where the HGVs can rejoin the A370 into North Somerset.
The same routes will operate in reverse for vehicles travelling into Bristol from North Somerset.
Traffic will not be officially diverted through Long Ashton, but a 7.5 tonne weight limit will be applied, though buses and local delivery vehicles will be exempt, and parking restrictions will be used to keep traffic flowing during peak periods.
The work is funded jointly by the district council and the Department for Transport, with the council contributing £1.4m, having successfully bid for £2m of Pinch Point funding.
It is anticipated that there will be no further major work needed on the structure for another 15 years following completion of this work, lessening the impact of long-term disruption.
For more information about the scheme click HERE visit and for live updates follow @NSC_Yanley on Twitter.
North Somerset Council has almost completed a £600,000 'surface dressing programme' which included Washing Pound Lane and The Causeway, Nailsea.

ROAD WORKS: 23 weeks of one way traffic at peak times along the Long Ashton bypass
The surface dressing process involves spraying the road with bitumen, covering it with Basalt chippings and then rolling the road to embed the chippings into the surface.
And to add to travellers woes essential work repair to the underside of the railway bridge at Nailsea & Backwell station started this morning, Monday, August 11.
Network Rail say contractor QTS will take a week to complete the work and scaffolding will be in place from 9pm-6am daily.
For a map showing local roadworks click HERE.
More than £130 million is being spent on roads and transport network across North Somerset.
As well as the Long Ashton bypass repairs and the recent resurfacing £16m has already been spent in major improvements to the inbound and outbound journeys between Weston town centre and junction 21 of the M5.
North Somerset Council is also jointly responsible, with Bristol City Council, for the delivery of two major transport schemes for the wider area – both the South Bristol Link, and the Ashton Vale to Temples Meads rapid transport scheme.
These two projects alone are worth a combined £98.1m.
And from Monday to Friday, August 18-22 to add to the misery Clifton Suspension Bridge will be closed between 9.30am-4pm.
In joint coordination from Bristol City Council and the Bridge Trust it is intended to temporarily close the Clifton Suspension Bridge and a section of Bridge Road, Leigh Woods and Suspension Bridge Road, Clifton to vehicular traffic from Monday to Friday, for urgent roadworks.
A diversion route will operate during the closure times.
Access to Bridge Road will be maintained for businesses and residents but the point of entry will reflect the location of the works in progress, under the direction of Traffic Marshals.
This is unfortunate timing given the planned work on the Yanley Viaduct.
Mods and rockers in Nailsea
Mod and rockers descended on Nailsea this weekend for a ‘meet’ to raise thousands of pounds for a children’s hospice.
But this wasn’t 1960s Brighton and there was no angst among the bikers many of who were aged 50+.
The exchange between the biker boys (and girls) at the kitchen garden of Wraxall House was purely friendly banter about engine size and the cost of new con rods.
Thousands of bike and beer fans congregated for the 5th annual Nailsea International Bike Show on Saturday and Sunday, August 2-3, and this was the best ever.
Nailsea-based North Somerset Bikers kicked started the charity family show to raise money for the Children’s Hospice South West in 2010.
But it has been so successful it outgrew its former home at the Royal Oak, Nailsea,.
Despite Saturday being blighted with stormy weather the sun and the crowds came out on Sunday at The Old Barn.
Nailsea Bikers said every year the show gets bigger and this new location gave them the opportunity to bring in even more bikes, trade stands, live music, food, good beer and hundreds of like-minded biker friends.
Now it is much more than beer and bikes and 2014 included three live bands in the line-up from AD HD - an AC DC tribute band, The Mudheads a rock/punk group to Strange Fruit an upbeat and pop/jump and blues band.
In the end thousands of people came to see and support and more than 800 bikes were on display.
The oldest bike on show was 1914 Wall autocycle which stood next to a 1915 Triumph and other classic motorbikes dating back to the 1920s including a Francis Barnett, Kingswood made Douglas, AJS and sublime gold and silver Kawasaki were all on display.
One of the organiser Shane Sawtell said: "Fifty years ago a lot of youngsters on scooters and motorbikes would have been fighting one another at the seafront defending the honour of mods and rockers.
“Now they are all mature men and women having fun together and talking about their machines.”
His mum Pat Keen, aged 85, with lots of help from her friends manned the CHSW stall which sold cakes and refreshments.

Daughter Tracy Charman works as a nurse at the Wraxall hospice.
And Pollyana Strading, 11, along with her nine-year-old sister Tallulah used approximately 10,000 rainbow looms to make hundreds of trendy brackets to sell and made £200 for the charity.
For the Grove Junior School pupils this is the second time they have sold homemade jewellery and they were thrilled with the result.
And broadcasting from the event was covered by Biker Rock Radio.
The public vote for the bike of the show went to Dave Tucker and his Indian.
Favourite visitor was 94-year-old Donald who ‘soaked up the atmosphere and wandered around like a child in a sweet shop’
With the lovely Jo his carer he inspected the bikes and marvelled at some of the early vintage models, some of which he remembers riding in the day.
He is pictured in the gallery astride the Royal Enfield which was ridden by Bristol housewife, nurse and health visitor Jacqui Furneaux who began her bikeabouts adventures around the globe when aged 50.
For more photos of the weekend click HERE to go to the gallery.
For more details about NS Bikers click go to its website.

Electrifying our green and pleasant land
The young people were speculating that the workmen were installing an all-weather 'mud slide' on the sledge slope next to the playground at The Perrings.
Others feared it was drains being installed as a prelude to more houses but with the council prepared to 'sacrifice' land between Nailsea and Wraxall rather than expose Morgan's Hill to more building that seems unlikely.
We will meet Government quotas, home the homeless and/or to stop Nailsea stagnating something will have to give.
Nailsea Town Council has asked North Somerset Council for a green belt review of the land surrounding the town.
The authority had planned in its Core Strategy document to build around 14,000 new homes across the district by 2026.
But following a challenge to the strategy, Government planning inspectors said the housing numbers were not sufficient and 26,750 homes needed to be built. in North Somerset.
Land at Causeway View in Nailsea has already been earmarked in the local plan for 450 new homes. But as the demand for new homes has increased, Nailsea could see up to 1,000 new homes built in the town over the coming years.
STOP PRESS on Thursday, July 31:
Nailsea resident Phil Tomlinson said: “But what exactly is this work for?
“It would be useful if, in this age of freedom of information and transparency, some explanatory notice could be put up, in addition to pedestrians please use other footpath’ and similar signs.”
And former Nailsea Town Council chairman Ian Wilson said: “Well come on Carol, spill the beans.”
Currently the work has moved to the bottom of The Perrings and there is a temporary bus stop installed.
As prompted I asked some questions and here are some answers
Kier Group PR officer Jane Mason said: “We are currently carrying out a 800m overlay scheme in Nailsea for Western Power Distribution.
“It’s my understanding, however, that the section indicated within the picture you attached, above right, is now reinstated.”
Western Power Distribution digital communications officer Lian White said: “We are currently excavating The Perrings to lay a new HV cable which will help to reinforce the network in the Backwell area.
“The works could take up to two weeks to complete.
“We have no plans for additional excavations but as work progresses, we may need to excavate in other areas.
“We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.”
NB: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia: A high-voltage cable, also called HV cable, is used for electric power transmission at high voltage. A cable includes a conductor and insulation, and is suitable for being run underground or underwater. HV cables may be any length and the longest cables are often run as submarine cables under the ocean for power transmission.
Greenhouse effect at summer flower show

Nailsea & District Horticultural Society uprooted its annual summer flower show to Nailsea School.
The spring and summer village flower shows have been staged for more than 150 years since 1853.
Traditionally the summer show is a two day event in a marquee on Golden Valley playing field.
But this year the footballers needed the pitches for late fixtures so the show was moved to the £32 million Mizzymead Road comprehensive – the usual venue for the ‘daffodils’ show earlier in the year.
However because of the wet weather this proved to be a blessing in disguise.
Joint show secretary Martyn Davis said: “As the exhibitors arrived and were setting up the heavens opened and there was an almighty downpour.
“If we had been in the marquee it would have been disastrous.”
The society also saved lots of money as the cost of hiring the marquee is very expensive.
Mr Davis added: “I think we will be staying at Nailsea School for the foreseeable future.”
Hundreds of visitors came to see the horticultural and domestic classes.
And there were more than 450 entries in the different classes.
With lots of natural ight shinnning into the atrium it produced a natural ‘greenhouse effect’ for the displays which ranged from huge leeks, to blooming roses and homemade wines and cakes.
Nailsea Town Council chairman Clare Hunt opened the event and head teacher Chris Wade presented the prizes.
The annual dog show didn’t go ahead because of the venue change but their was a big brass band playing.
N&DHS spokesman John Hamblin said: "The show spilled over into two classrooms in order to accommodate the 150 classes, but there was still room for several craft stalls, a tombola and a book sale."
Trophy winners summer show 2014
JOHN WEEKS MEMORIAL TROPHY Cindy Sallnow, NAILSEA TOWN COUNCIL TROPHY joint allotment class winners Mr C Griffin and Desmond Walker, ROBERT HOBBS TROPHY Mr J Silverthorne, GORDON ADAIR CUP Mr Silverthorne, RAYMOND RANDALL TROPHY Mr J Silverthorne, BOB VANCE TROPHY Mrs L O`Sullivan, THATCHER CUP Mr G Mizen, ERIC AND MARY ROBINS AWARD Mr G Mizen, ENID GILES TROPHY Mike Sheppard, DICK MITCHELL CUP Cindy Sallnow, HARRY BENNETT MEMORIAL TROPHY Martyn Davis, TOM GREENWOOD MEMORIAL TROPHY Mike Sheppard, MRS GORDON ADAIR CUP Cindy Sallnow, FRANK CALCRAFT MEMORIAL CUP Mr L Howland, SYLVIA PULLIN TROPHY Helen Glanville, HP LUCAS CUP Mrs S Irwin, JESSE AND PHYLLIS WILLIAMS TROPHY Jane Knight, MAKEPEACE TROPHY Mrs SG Tavener, NAILSEA WINE CIRCLE TROPHY Wally Holland, AUDREY BAKER TROPHY Catherine French, CLEVEDON MERCURY CHALLENGE CUP Mrs DR Smith, CHILDREN'S HANDICRAFTS aged four and under Rory Stark, five to seven Leah Chandler, eight to 11 Ollie Steed, 12-16 Phoebe Sowden, CHILDREN'S PHOTOGRAPHY aged under 12 Evie Harris, CHILDREN'S COOKERY aged eight to 11 joint winners Mia Birdseye and Emily Webb, 12-16 Phoebe Sowden and RHS BANKSIAN MEDAL Mr J Silverthorne.
Buyers snapping up local living in a pub near you

Who would want to live in a new house on the site of the old Friendship Inn?
Well would-be buyers are queuing up it seems despite the Stockway South underpass one one side and the original building being attached sideways on to another old cottage.
In a prime town centre location the pub has been split into two dwellings and next door a terrace of three brand new homes are under construction.
Priced at £249,995-£295,000 four of the five three bed hi-spec homes have been sold prior to complexion.
Former landlord Russell Wragg closed the public house early in 2013 saying it was casualty of increasing competition and cheap bar prices offered by nearby Wetherspoons.
Soon after brewery giant Punch Taverns put the freehold on the market for offers around £300,000 and speculation was rife on what was to become of the three-storey
The Friendship Inn first opened its doors to customers back in 1792 and it is the second oldest pub in Nailsea after The Moorend Spout, formerly The Butcher’s Arms at Kingshill.
Although not a listed building The Friendship is just a stone’s throw from the old glassworks and was originally called The Glasshouse Inn with the cottage next door acting as a beer house.
Call Hunter Leahy on 01275 853222 for more details of the Juniper Homes properties.
Tenders have been invited for the former Four Oaks infant school site which is being sold with planning permission for conversion into eight dwellings by Colliers International. building.

18th century Nailsea property on market
The funny old three-storey house with the painted window opposite where the old fire station once stood is for sale.
Fairview at North Street, Nailsea, is on the market for the first time in 70 years at a guide price of £335,000.
Built in the late 18th century the period property is a bit rundown with broken panes on the upper floors, peeling paint and crumbling plasterwork but it is still full of potential, say estate agents.
Local company Hunter Leahy said: “Although in need of complete renovation this Grade II listed detached residence has a wealth of character and stunning gardens.
“Over the years the extensive grounds were used as market gardens and the outbuildings as the Nailsea Bakery complete with the original bakers oven.”
Accommodation comprises of lounge and separate dining room with old fashioned fireplaces and sash windows, kitchen, utility, bathroom, separate toilet and side store room.
It has four double bedrooms over the upper floors with excellent views to
Everyone is being urged to sign a petition to get First Great Western to install ramps at Nailsea and Backwell rail station.
The railway operator was granted £1.23m in December 2011 by the Department for Transport under the Access for All scheme on condition that the work was to be completed by end of March 2014.
It missed the deadline partly because of all the building work going on for the new car park.
Traveller Robert Craig said: “The staircase down to the Backwell side is virtually impossible to negotiate, even for able-bodied folk, particularly if having to get down with a suitcase/suitcases or children and pushchairs.
“Everyone should sign the local petition to get this dreadful decision reversed.
“And tell North Somerset's Liam Fox MP and North Somerset councillors how they feel about what has happened.”
To add your name to the e-petition requesting that First Great Western be made to install the ramps click HERE.

Tickenham and towards Clevedon - hence the name.
The well-tended south facing rear garden measures 82ft x 40ft with a water well. In the front is a small lawn and double gates to the long driveway.
The window tax of 1696-1851 is not thought to be responsible for the blocked window which according to the owners will have to stay because of the listed buidling status.
There are currently 500,000 listed buildings in the UK, 90 per cent of which are Grade II.
Any renovation work will require 'listed building consent from North Somerset Council.
At the open day on Saturday, August 2, lots of people were given a conducted tour and the agents estimated it would take at least £120,000 to make the property habitable.
For more details contact Hunter Leahy on 01275 853222.
Click HERE for a list of properties in the Nailsea area which are listed by English Heritage.

Ramp it up at Nailsea & Backwell station
The owners of PS Travel in Nailsea are moving on and at their farewell party on Saturday, August 16, more than 300 people came to say goodbye.
After 18 years of running their travel business Phil Williams and Sharon Green are handing over the keys of their town centre shop to new owners Amanda Searle and Steve Price.
With many trips still to run this year and the 2015 programme planned Amanda, a former local travel agent, and Steve, a director of a Bristol insurance company, say it will be business as usual at 117 Station Road.
But Phil and Sharon aren’t taking a back seat completely and will continue to run their minibus company called Silverlink travel services.
Sharon, aged 57, said: “The number of people who came to say goodbye was overwhelming you couldn't move in the shop.
“Obviously this is a sad moment for us as we have loved every moment of running PS Travel and for this we have to thank many, many supportive customers.
“I have particularly enjoyed the reunion tours and the stunning scenery of the Norwegian trips has been a special highlight.
“But now we have a little spare time we may even take a holiday ourselves."Over the years Phil and Sharon have organised weekend breaks to London to see the big hit shows, magical Christmas shopping trips and historic, leisurely and nostalgic holidays at home and away.