Gallery 2022
Queen's Platinum Jubilee
70 years celebrated

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HOMES AND GARDENS: Contenders for the Nailsea Town Council competition? The terraced cottage at the top is in the appropriately named Union Street, with the Welsh flag on display in Broom Farm Close and tea in the front garden of Morgans Hill Close - the cul-de-sac is hosting is jubilee street party later in the week - unless you have seen more decorations out and about?

STREETS AHEAD: Nailsea residents rolled out the red carpet and their umbrellas for the celebrations throughout the town
VILLAGE PARTY: Backwell Parish Council organised the fun and games at the playing fields
REALLY GOOD TRY: Part of the fun weekend at Nailsea & Backwell RFC at its West End ground. Photos by Mark Raby

ROYAL ROADSIDE: Fluttering in the breeze these fabulous pictures crafted by the children from Hannah More Infant and Grove Junior schools adored the railings making a very royal roadside spectacular by The Whiteoak Academies which has also planted seeds in a jubilee wildlife meadow

ROYAL LINE-UP: Some of the kings and queens who go to Church Lane Pre-School with the regal spread for jubilee

REGAL CELEBRATION: Argentum Lodge is a caring home for senior citizens in Silver Street, Nailsea which embraced the platinum jubilee with a 1950s-style duo, celebration cakes and lots of flag waving
ROYAL CHAPEL BARTON: Nailsea Social Club once known as Nailsea Comrades Club celebrated its centenary on HM the Queen's Platinum Jubilee bank holiday weekend. And what an excuse it was to go from village to town. They had music galore, craft fair, dog show, dancing and singing and much, much more including the launch of the club's history written by Barry Hobbs

CARDBOARD CUT-OUT: Rather than a quick half it was a longer look for the locals at the High Street Royal Oak and Nailsea Social Club, at Chapel Barton, who did a double take when they popped in during the platinum celebrations

MAJESTIC PICTURE: Children at Grove Pre-school painted lovely red, white and blue pictures for the jubilee. The playgroup is run at Grove Sports Centre in term time for youngsters aged two to four years

ROYAL RESPONSE: Pegasus Court the town centre retirement complex held a party with music, tea and cake. It also proudly displays its letter from Buckingham Palace sent on behalf of HM the Queen alongside other letters from royal anniversaries

FLYING THE FLAG: Staff at Cadbury House hotel and spa and health club welcome everyone to enjoy their jubilee celebrations

SENIOR JUBILEE MOMENTS: It was time for fancy hats and royal games at Pop-in the luncheon club at Holy Trinity centre which offers a full programme on Thursdays noon-2pm for the older generation including guest speakers. Contact Lynda Dick for more details by emailing or call 01275 853495

PATRIOTIC PEOPLE: Steve Burley a world class magician, artist and DJ who lives in Nailsea and is best known as the number one children's party entertainer goes to work during the platinum jubilee wearing his Union Jack suit - suits you sir!

NIGHT LIGHT: Thanks Lesley Faith Bowman, of Nailsea History Group, for sharing images. There is a video on her Facebook page