Our town is a very nice town
THE online community newspaper for Nailsea people, their family and their friends
September 2023
Property people

Building work begins at Farleigh Fields, Backwell, and at the Uplands. A North Somerset Council local plan moves closer but which parts of Nailsea's countryside will be another housing estate? Read more HERE

What's On 2023
This page is for market dates, fairs, fetes, and fests. September started with the Emergency Services Open Day and the annual ploughing match. Another highlight is busy tie 13th Nailsea International Bike Show, and a walking football tournament. Read more HERE

Gallery 2023
We have hundreds and hundreds of images in our 2023 galleries featuring Backwell lake, country walks as well as sensational sunrises and sunsets - added the blue moon this month by Hayley Gould. Community events like the farmers' market, carnival and beer fest are also posted. This fab photo was taken at Trendlewood Community Festival. Many more images HERE
computer techies for the online community
The TEK Hut was started by Ben Parker in the summer of 2018.
For 12 years Ben had been one of the team at The ICT Workshop which provided a wide variety of computer services to Nailsea, Clevedon, Yatton, Backwell and even Weston-Super-Mare.
Ben felt it right to continue the same great service customers had previously experienced but under new branding for a new business and The Tek Hut was born.
Trading at the familiar location in Nailsea, The Tek Hut will continue to offer the same cost effective, new laptops and PCs, upgrades, onsite support for homes and businesses through to a wide range of workshop services and accessories.

Window Cleaning
Get spruced up for 2023 with this Nailsea-based company boasting best prices
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Starting School: Everything you need for that first special day
Schoolwear: Uniforms, Accessories, Name Tapes, Waterproof Jackets and Trousers
Sportswear: PE Kits, Gumshields, Shin Pads
Dancewear: RAD Approved for Ballet, Tap, Modern and Jazz
School Togs
Clevedon Walk, Nailsea, BS48 1RS
01275 857491

Former Backwell School student Finlay Webber who was seriously injured in a car accident in Portugal has been safely repatriated to the UK. His stepmother Ali posted an update on the Go Fund Me page which has now reached more than £55,000. More on our Breaking News page HERE.
Nailsea resident Sylvia Middleton is calling for all dog owners to please be responsible and pick up after their dogs. She said: “I frequently walk in what we have left of the rugby club and every time I end up picking up poo after someone else’s dog as I can’t see it left there. We are rapidly running out of green spaces in Nailsea to walk our dogs.“
Nailsea Town Council is spending £77,670.60 on new Christmas lights for 2023. These will be sparkling strings of braid lighting for both sides of the High Street. It will cost a further £7,000 per year to put up and take down the lights.
The new library at Colliers Walk closed early on a summer Saturday (same in Weston-super-Mare) due to staffing issues. Luckily this was at the same time a new book return repository had been positioned outside for borrowers to bring back books they have loaned.
All 116 of the new T-pylon structures have now been constructed - with the last being completed near Clevedon and visible from the M5. A line of old pylons which used to run close to homes and over gardens in the West End of Nailsea has also been taken down, to the delight of residents.
Nailsea Town Council is up to strength with its full quota of 20 councillors but Backwell Parish Council has five vacancies and only 11 villagers serving.
Nailsea People has been busy ‘tidying’ its archives and has got as far as 2014! The reason for this is when we started (earlier pages have gone walkabout) our community newspaper wasn’t mobile-friendly or accessible by iPads. It is now. The issues for 2014 are planning, Lidl, shopping and parking but nothing about dog poo which is the number one (forgive pun) issue for local newspapers nationwide. It is interesting to look back…find the archive pages on our dropdown menu

ART DE RUE: The artwork of a Nailsea schoolboy street artist has been published in a French/English text book for young learners. Harry tag name 'Haz' Bingham was the youngest ever person when aged 10 he was invited to be an official artist in the renown Upfest at Bedminster in 2022 Nailsea People did a special feature HERE on this amazing feat and now the work is featured in the school book on the same page as the world famour Banksy!
Look who is calling Nailsea
The Phone Guys new shop in Nailsea is getting ready to open.
The store will be between what was the Turkish Coffee Corner now more of a Corner Café and Joi unisex hairdressers in the unit briefly occupied by the vape shop at 10a Colliers Walk.
The Phone Guys say in its Google business entry we 'are a community focused mobile phone shop. We provide mobile phone and tech repairs. We also retail brand new mobile phones as well as preowned phones, that come with a warranty. The Phone Guys Nailsea also buy phones and offer a wide range of high-quality accessories.
The company also has (had?) shops in Weston and Burnham, pictured, run by boss Wayne Mcquistin.
The original plan was to open at the end of July at same time the new library opened and before the Impero Lounge arrived but both this shop and the lounge got delayed.
In the meantime, our new fish shops at Station Road and antique emporium at Quality Collectibles appear to be really busy.
Sadly, Home Additions on the corner of High Street and Link Road which is set to close in February has a For Sale notice outside.
Owner Alan Goddard is retiring and his son is going to run the Clevedon Emporium which welcomes shoppers from all over North Somerset and beyond.
Agent Ian Thompson said: “As the structure and services are shared with the flats above, it's what most call a “virtual freehold”, is really a very long, 125year lease at a very low ‘rent’ of £250 per year fixed for the entire term, plus a share of the costs of maintaining the overall building, which can vary yearly depending on what’s needed to be spent.
“Unfortunately, a lot of people don't understand the form of tenure, but it's the format most flats are sold on.
“If one owns one’s house or shop for that matter, you must do all your own repairs and maintenance.
“But in a shared building the management company does all the external and shared works, recouped shared among all the owners, with the occupier responsible for his own interior, plus windows and doors and the like.
“It is also the same basis as the library took the long lease of its new premises bought from Praxis.
“So, while it's a ‘rent’ it is really a ground rent, rather than a market rent which might go up every five years.
“In the case of the Home Additions shop it is in fact originally designed as two shops which were at some point knocked together, so a buyer could replace the wall, occupy one themselves and let the other for an income as an investment, or an investor could buy and let both and increase the potential income.
“It has a shop door at one end, which Alan uses as his front door and another on the corner which he doesn’t but could be brought back into use.
“It has a lot of flexibility; it just depends on what someone wants to use it for and how much space they need.”
Download the brochure HERE.

One of the longest waits ever for a safe road crossing?
Nailsea Town Council chairman Mike Bird announced at the annual town meeting in May that work on the Clevedon Road pedestrian crossing would start in June.
So far so good because it did start in June but stopped again as resurfacing work was scheduled later in the year.
Residents living in the roads off this main link between Tickenham and Nailsea town centre have long campaigned for a safety crossing especially when they lost their school crossing person more than a decade ago.
Concerned parents and teachers appealed for a crossing to be installed led by former lollipop lady, Sylvia Vick as hundreds of children had to cross the busy main road daily to get to the Pound Lane schools and nearby playing field. This was back in 2013!
And the latest hiccup involved scheduled work by North Somerset Council contractors having to be moved so the new crossing once installed didn't have to get dug up again for resurfacing.
What did happened was the tactile paving slabs, dropped kerbs and belisha beacons were installed, along with the electrical connections and new footway section
But then the belisha beacons were bagged over while the road was resurfaced. We would add all's well that ends well if it hadn't taken so long...
Clevedon Road has a pedestrian crossing

More small parcels of Nailsea open space are coming under the online hammer at London auctions this month.
This is the great unadopted areas on housing estates which the district council failed to adopt although it was a clause in the original planning application dating back to the 1960s or thereabouts.
On Wednesday, September 13, London Auction House is inviting bids for Lot 218 a freehold roadside parcel of land measuring approximately 5,381sqft at Shaftesbury Close. It has a price guideline of £5,000+. Read more HERE.
On Thursday, September 14, McHugh & Co is offering the freehold of approximately 2,750sqft at Portland Close with a guide price of £5,000. This area where children play football was part of the original sell-off of grass verges of Queens Road, Nailsea, which is now overgrown as North Somerset Council is no longer cutting the grass. Read more HERE.
The other threatened area off Bibury Close which everyone believed was part of Trendlewood Park even North Somerset Council which regularly cut the grass and planted trees (which all have TPOs now). It is the now the subject of a Town Green application currently under consideration.