Loving friends of a Nailsea family have launched an urgent crowdfunding appeal in the hope of securing a permanent home for an autistic, blind teen to safeguard her future.
Close friend Sharon Colley tells Bella’s story: “We all take it for granted to have a roof over our heads, but what if you were a 15-year-old disabled, autistic child who during a seizure a few years ago lost their sight and now faces losing her home too?”
Dad David, aged 50, mum Sam, 54, big brother Nick and Bella, who has complex needs, are in this situation and need your help.
Fifteen years ago, devoted parents David and Sam had to give up their careers to care for Bella and are now helped by their son Nick.
The struggles the family has had to face to get what was needed to support Bella’s everyday needs have been almost insurmountable.
But despite this Sam has made time to raise vital funds for a variety of charities including Springboard Opportunity Group, Great Western Air Ambulance and the Children’s Hospice South West.
She took part in the Toby Riley memorable fun day and supported an appeal to get water to a Ugandan village.
Sam has been active helping Nailsea International Bike Show charity auctions and Ravenswood School refurbishment.
Sharon said: “Now it is her turn to get some help.
“Bella and her family need a home where they can live without the fear of being moved out of the community cutting ties with a dedicated support network.
“And most importantly for a young person without sight Bella needs to stay in a familiar location.
“Bella recognises sounds from the playground at Millennium Park, the High Street shops and cafés are all safely familiar to her.
“Bella knows how many steps it takes to get to Tesco supermarket and the shouts and hubbub from the skateboards that she can no longer see but make her laugh and clap.
“Little things which mean a lot to a young person whose world is limited.~”
David and Sam don’t own their own home, they have relied on renting the same house for the past 14 years which is about to be sold.
The plan is to set up a charity trust to buy a property for Bella.
David who once ran a bespoke furniture business and artist Sam has exhausted all the finance they have ever had to caring for Bella and now they have nothing, said Sharon.
The only alternative is to be rehoused by the council or a housing association into another community not in Nailsea.
The move would be so traumatic for Bella that David and Sam have been warned their dearly loved daughter would need to be sedated and possibly hospitalised for weeks.
They know strange surroundings make Bella agitated and confused.
The couple settled in Nailsea, David’s home town, when Bella was a baby. Bella is non-verbal autistic, has epilepsy, sensory processing disorder, she
has mineral and vitamin deficiencies, has severe developmental delays and PDA.
All these complex needs make it incredibly difficult to get respite support for Bella as her needs are so high. She needs 24/7 care.
Sharon added: “This is a family that have dedicated their lives to help raise their beautiful daughter and now need a little bit of help from us.
“Her home is her school, her holiday house, her everything.
“She feels safe here and is often seen out in their small cul-du-sac at night running up and down with her parents assisting her to help expel her energy, her neighbours have watched Bella grow and adjust to being blind
and accept her noisy outbursts and clapping.
“Nailsea is her home, her house is her haven.
“To lose this would be devastating.
“Please donate what you can to help so Bella can finally have a home to call her own, where she will never be under threat of having to move away from all that she knows.”
To donate or start a fundraising event click on black and white image of Bella below...
A home of her own

This is Bella's story...

UPDATE: From social media September 2024
We have some great news!!
After months of working with North Somerset Council, and lots of communications back and forth, we are delighted to share the wonderful news that Bella and her family will have their forever home for Christmas 2024.
Thank you all for your amazing support, we could not have done this without you. Sam and Dave have been given the keys for their new forever home, in their local Nailsea community.
This is a council house which will soon be perfect for Bella's needs, once the necessary adaptations have been made.
As some of you may know, council houses are empty shells, with no carpets or fittings, or even a lamp shade, so we have some work to do.
We are asking again for your help.
The generous donations already given have been secured in a community business account to help with the cost of getting them into their new home for Christmas but this won't be enough.
We have a house to carpet, beds to buy and white goods to purchase, along with a wide arrange of items to make their home comfortable and safe for Bella.
Although the family have these items in their current rented home, they are either secondhand or years old, so we would love to give them some comfort while they care for their daughter 24 hours a day.
We would love to give Bella, Sam and Dave a fresh new start in their new home - if anyone deserves a bit of comfort, it's this remarkable family.
As we have previously posted, Bella has multiple complex medical issues and her family are dedicated to her care, providing love and 2:1 support, around the clock.
Bella's room will need to be padded and fitted with a seizure mat to ensure her safety, CCTV must be installed, and a reliable Wi-Fi connection will be essential to ensure that all of these protective measures are in place: Bella's safety is paramount.
So let's get them in for Christmas and pull our community together again.
Thank you so much for your support.
Sharon Colley
Best Christmas present ever - exciting update
We all take it for granted to have a roof over our heads but what if you’re a blind 15 year old non-verbal autistic girl, who suffers from sensory processing disorder, life threatening seizures caused by epilepsy and you're about to lose the only safe space you have lived in for the last 14 years?
This is what Bella and her family face unless we can help.
Bella’s parents, Sam and Dave and her brother Nick spend their lives looking after her, they have to because it’s what keeps her here.
Despite endless attempts to find appropriate care support, Bella’s requirements are so complex, the specialist care that she needs to simply keep her alive just isn’t available so they look after her 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
The family have lived in the same rented house for 14 years with a very flexible and accommodating landlord, but now he needs to sell his house.
They have tried to access support from social housing but cannot be provided with a home as the only houses available are new builds that cannot be adapted, so they are stuck between a rock and a hard place, knowing they will be losing their home but with nowhere safe and appropriate for Bella to go.
The family have nothing: Sam and Dave were forced to give up their careers to look after Bella, who needs constant 2:1 support.
When one parent sleeps, the other takes over.
Their plight is unimaginable, but they never relent; their love and devotion for Bella is palpable and her smile lights up the room, because of the love and care she receives.
As Bella has grown, so too have her needs and this family urgently need our help.
They need a home that they will give them the space to facilitate Bella’s medical needs, her education and the services that a multiple array of healthcare professionals provide for her.
Bella's needs are so complex she cannot attend a special school, she has regular seizures that affect the quality of her life and she requires constant around-the-clock care. Let’s find them somewhere safe to live.
Bella’s mum Sam is always giving back - she has spent decades helping to raise money for other causes to help people in need, despite her own challenges. She campaigned relentlessly to change NICE guidance, which will now ensure that no other child with complex needs will lose their sight as a result of nutrient deficiency. Bella completely lost her vision as a result of vitamin A deficiency in 2021, adding to the already complex challenges that they deal with every day.
We are a group of friends in Nailsea, North Somerset who have made it our mission to help Bella and her family find a home that is suitable. We want to ensure that they can have a safe, adapted home for life - a home where Bella will thrive and not just survive, in the close and supportive community where they are known and loved.
This is where we need your help. We are raising the money needed to set up a trust to buy a home for Bella.
Please give what you can, every pound will make a difference and get us closer to getting a home for Bella.
Thank you very much for your support.
Sharon Colley
The back story
£3,002 raised
£10K goal
67 donations
December 2024